I have two words for you: КИНДРЕТ. It hit me suddenly over the last ten days or so and in the midnight space between today and yesterday it tripled in volume, but time is running out, so I'm posting as is, no proper tags or title or cover -- but then my lovely audience of three may choose their favourite illustrations to serve as covers, y/y?
one of these? )
Cannonball is a case of "But I heard this one fiiiirst!" and somehow, I just find Vienna Teng's voice so much closer to my heart than Damien Rice's. But yeah, they both have brilliant lyrics.
I'm currently listening to your mix. :D So far so good, I like it. I might add a song or two to my own faaaaave list. I never really have the patience to make a fanmix, even though I have a head-soundtrack for everything and everyone. I only even tried to make a Fanmix of Crack for Kay, and that resulted in my blingee obsession. [and I'll never be able to hear AC/DC without thinking of Euron, for some reason.]
Jonaaaaangst - he sure looks pretty while doing it. But yeah, he should always party hard like he seems to be doing in your icon, because there is only so much angst one can take before the prettiness wears off.
Ughhh. I hate it when people screw up translations. Why is it so hard to keep things straight? But you know, I feel the pain of fail translations all the time, because three times this month I wanted to rec people books, only to realize I caaaaaaan't, because they're in Romanian and no one ever bothered to translate them. It's especially tragic since Romanians have written some high quality plotty-porny stuff which I would recommend to everyone ever and I caaaaaan't.
Jon/Kit/Groove, my new OT3.
Translations are the worst (and the best, sometimes). But yeah, I can definitely relate to not being able to share a lot of media effortlessly.
Imagine Jon partying haaaaaard with that awful fur coat on his shoulders. Groovy.
Some translations are brilliant, but a lot of them suuuuuck. What kinda turned me off translations for good was trying to read Good Omens in Romanian, because someone had given me the book for my birthday two years ago. I reached page 50, got annoyed, downloaded off the net and read it in English, because hooooow can you translate Good Omens? There is no good way to do it.
P.S. I kinda posted a new Meta Monday, because I was all excited about starting that one. I hope it's okay? Like, I'm all modly and stuff.
Awful fur coat? Lena doesn't agree with you.
Yeah, I pretty much gave up trying to read translations of English books, cause it's just counter-productive. I did read my earliest favourites, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings in Russian while I was still learning (and even before that, stuff I loved as a kid like Arthur Conan Doyle and Jane Eyre), but as soon as I was able to read an English text and understand the general drift of every sentence, if not every word, I switched over completely. The foreign languages library was one of my favourite hangouts my last few years in school.
Meta monday is always okay! It's non-point earning, and people have fun, so of course! Anna tells me it was actually supposed to continue through hiatus when we first starter it.. Either way, you're on the right track! Also, if you're interested in some times running Shenanigans Wednesday, Jenna (jesatria) is willing to share/co-host and perhaps give it over eventually, depending on her rl workload.
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