Feb 11, 2008 10:48
I'm really just looking for a weekend to get parked for a while. It hit me earlier this week, exactly how exhausted I was, I am. I've started to view the events that are happening around me as a sort of fiction, concocted by my environment and forced upon me like network television.
I was headed into town and tried to think of what I should, in the context of maximizing fulfillment, be doing. It is a difficult question to answer. I have been doing an awful lot lately, which really sounds good until I contemplate the question of should. The truth is, I spend alot of my free time downshifting my thoughts and cleaning my brain out.
The truth is, I should be building something. And it appals me that I have not been building something for some time. I have not sat down and created something in a fit willful of self expression. But, it's like, at this point in the game, it feels like not just anything will do... even though it probably would.
But really, I need to sort out my living room. Having previously been a frankenroom of leftover living room, entertainment room, den, office, and lounge parts, reconfiguring it into something more...classical(read: terminally boring and woefully single use) is turning into an exercise in negative creativity. Behold! My forebrain crumbles, nay implodes, as I take direction from a, sigh, Pottery Barn catalog. Then again, you might argue (if you're not in college) that the main common room of one's domicile is not the place to get creative. You might say that. I don't. Which makes this task akin to making a public speech without conjunctions or playing Patience by Guns n Roses without a B-string, one of which I have done. So, it's in the realm of possibility, which is to say far away, in the unpleasant part of the realm.
Now that CC is moving out, I'll have another room to ponder. Well, not really.