Sep 20, 2009 17:15
I'm writing this with no expectation that anyone will read it as I've been completely absent from LJ for weeks! Life has been completely crazy. My Europe trip has been tenuously on the fence until about a week ago. The friend I'm traveling with has some compressed discs in her back and she's been experiencing some major flare-ups, so whether she would be healthy enough to trek around Europe for two weeks has been seriously in question this past month-and-a-half. Last week she got the go ahead from her doctor and other health professionals she's been seeing, so barring any unforeseen event, we are flying out one week from today. YAY! Italy/Croatia here I come!
To compound my absence from the online world, my computer caught a nasty bit of malware and was at the computer doctor for quite some time. Since my funds are currently tied up in this trip, I had to have them put a band-aid on my computer hurts with the hope that it will hold out for the time being. They cleaned her up and gave her back to me just this past Friday (take two gigs and call me in the morning!).
Well, not much else to report. Just wanted to take a second to touch base with the LJ world. I hope you are all doing well and your summer/fall is treating you well.
Ta-ta for now!
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