Oct 20, 2007 21:38
my little guy is eight days old now. i dont think i could ever get sick of staring at his beautiful little face. he is really the most amazing thing in the world to me! hes such a good boy too!! he barely cries and when he does its because he needs a diaper or he's hungry. he only gets up twice during the night for about 10-15 mins. he sleeps a lot but thats to be expected. he loves when we hold him close to our faces and kiss his cheeks. he smiles when he goes potty. i love him. i love him. i love him.
today we're taking him out to his aunt kari's house to meet her boyfriend's family since they've all been dying to meet him. ryan's brother and wife are in town and they are having a little get together and they've invited us. im excited that i actually get to get jack dressed up in one of his cute little outfits. since we havent really gone anywhere ive kept him in his sleep and plays. i get to use my fancy diaper bag too!! who knows what im going to where since my clothes fit me so weird right now. i cant wait til my incision heals so i can start working out and lose my flabby belly. postpartum bellies are gross. thank god cool weather is coming so i can hide it with a hoodie or sweater!
ryan is going to philly with adam and kurt tomorrow overnight til monday afternoon. they're going to a show they've been planning to go to for a while. the baby is was supossed to be born a lot sooner than he was and we didnt think he'd be going with jack just a week old but oh well. im a bit nervous to be alone with the baby honestly...hes a great baby i've just never stayed home alone at our house overnight. im sure everything will be fine and ryan's mom said we could go sleep over at her house and she is just a few blocks away but i still get worried. maybe ill have kari sleepover.