Sep 26, 2006 17:21
so i couldnt take it anymore. i went to the doctor. he looked down my throat and assumed i had strep throat. the test was negative. he sent me to the lab at the hospital to have blood work done. he called me back a few hours later to tell me i have mono. great. the only thing he can tell me is to sleep a lot, try to eat and that i probably wont feel much better for another week or two. it looks like ive had if for close to two weeks now. he wants me to go back in two weeks to make sure i dont have liver damage since the right side of my body is a little sore right now. ive pretty much been sleeping every free second i get. i ate a little for the first time in like five days today. i really cant miss class so ive been going to school still even though i probably shouldnt. i found coverage for all my hours at work til saturday and sunday. atleast saturday is only a half day. blah. this sucks. im fucking up cleaning though of course because this place is disgusting. sometimes i want to kill them all.