Jan 02, 2008 01:40
Okay so I know this is stupid, but one of my New Year's resolutions is to use my LJ more. It's here, so why not use it, right?
Erm, I don't know what to post here, so I'm just going to do a stream-of-consciousness list. Yes, I will sound a bit (okay, a LOT) bitchy here, but these are unadulterated thoughts. Here goes nothing!
1) Law & Order: SVU is absolute love. There's really not much more I can say about that. It's a great show and Mariska Hargitay is infreakingcredible. 'Nuff said. That and it's the only show I've ever really watched no matter what.
2) I don't really understand why school is as important as it is, and grades are as important as they are. Why, in ten years, will it matter what letter grade I received in PE? Is that ever going to have any sort of impact on my life? No. That's what I thought.
3) What is with all of those "get your GED on your own time by correspondence" things? How will a GED help you? If you couldn't make it through high school the first time, then what makes you think you could do it by correspondence? NO ONE respects people with GEDs. GEDs don't mean squat in a world where you can't even get hired at CVS without having attended Princeton. Spend your money elsewhere. Like on therapy for your children, who can't understand why Mommy can't help them learn to add and Daddy signs everything with an "X".
4) My hip hurts, and physical therapy isn't helping. The 800mgs of Ibuprofen and the alternated ice/heat packs aren't helping either. What's a girl to do? Have surgery, that's what. And I don't want that. God help me.
5) Photoshop hates me. Not that this is anything new or anything. I just thought I'd mention that. Anyone with links to tutorials automatically becomes my best friend for life, no questions asked.
6) We have a cabin in upstate PA on 40 acres of land. If anyone ever needs a place to hide bodies (or something less illegal) then I'm your girl.
7) That's it for now, I guess. More later.
Good night, and good luck.
all things illegal,
my hip,
mariska harigtay,