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Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 shoot time (including them just talking, quick rehearsal and shoot): 6:29-6:45
My personal favourite
So, the only shoot we actually knew of was the Tudor City one, but one of the girls in the group thought she heard something about Brooklyn Bridge Park and so we set off to investigate with a group of 12 around...oh...2:30-ish...after getting there and walking around for ages, we saw a park security guard and asked him about filmings in the area and he was like: 'Just something called Doctor Who'....and we tried not to squee...and then he said that it was put on hold and were a bit disappointed. So we walked and thought we saw a catering van, so we went to the Starbucks and camped out, but we didn't know for sure or even location. We decided around 6:15 to scout the area and one of the people found Karen and we were heading that way. So we kinda walked over, but kept a distance as Matt and Karen were there and we didn't want to make a fuss, but we followed eventually. They had a bit of fun with pictures and did a quick run through and filmed. They were done in 20 minutes tops. And I would say about there were around 20 people there watching them film.
They filmed a TARDIS landing scene, where the Doctor proclaims that they're in New York, but sounded very unhappy. Rory was missing. The TARDIS wasn't there, but would be CGI'd in later.
Then, we went to Tudor City, where everyone showed up...there were a lot of fans lined up. And that one took hours. We didn't leave until 11:30. First was a background shot of some man in an old 1930's car driving and then getting out and walking off and that took an hour (well, also, it was still an open road and so they had to let cars pass between takes). Then they filmed Arthur jumping off a box, looking confused and walking off...and the last shot, was Karen and Matt in an old 1930's car (taxi?) that speeds down the road, stops and then Karen looks up and they bolt off. I think I missed the River stunt double...and Alex was not there.
So, piecing it together. I think...Rory got touched by a Weeping Angel into the 1930's...and then Amy and the Doctor track him down to the 1930's...and that's all I got.
There were warnings about Antique prop firearms, but I didn't see any of that, unless that was during the River scene that I missed. Oh my god, imagine River with one of that old guns and being involved in a car chase...bad ass! Anyway, that's all I'm gonna say!