What to say?

Nov 08, 2010 20:12

Commuting sucks ballz. I leave my house at 6:35am to get to work by 8:00am. I leave work at 5:00pm to get home at 6:45pm. I then eat a bit, watch an hour of TV, check facebook, and pass out. Commuting sucks ballz.

I am finally making it a stern goal to pay off my credit card debt. I have just a few more payments (one more this month, two in december) and I'll have ONE card paid off. I had a goal to have the second card paid off by the second week of January, but then my parents decided they need to ask me for rent money. This is going to sound super selfish, but the whole reason I moved back in with them was so I wouldn't have to pay rent. If I'm going to pay rent, I want more space. So, since the addition of rent into the budget, the second card will probably not be completely paid off until February. That's still better than six months from now, I suppose.

My band is playing two gigs this weekend in New York City. I am completely stoked to be going there for the first time in my life, and to get to play there. Luis is coming with me, and hopefully we will be able to navigate our way from the airport to the venue. I'm hoping my sense of direction stays in tact after flying for 5 hours.

I re-read some of my past updates about times when I was feeling annoyed or angry with Luis. I must say, they sound pretty lame. I think we are starting to complement each other even more. We are both more aware of each other's needs and moods. He has moments when he wants to pick arguments when he's drunk, but I've grown more tolerant of and understanding the mindset of his drunk and figuring out exactly what he's worried about. He puts up with me when I'm grumpy, and always reassures me when I'm feeling worrisome about my future. In two weeks we will celebrate 11 months together. I must say, I am more than ecstatic about how solid our relationship has become and how happy we seem to be making one another. I really do love him a lot, and not to compare, but I love him more than I loved my ex-fiance. That's powerful.

On a more serious note, my daddy is having surgery this Wednesday. As much as I worry, I'm actually not being consumed by this... maybe my brain is trying to keep me safe from fear by just blocking it entirely. He doesn't seem too worried about it, and neither does my mom, so that could also be an attributing factor to my calmness. Either way, I'm sending positive vibes to his doctors for a safe surgery and hoping his recovery is quick and relatively painless.

I quit working at the domestic violence shelter about two weeks ago. Once I got my full-time job at ASU, it was beginning to wear me out, both physically and emotionally. I was going straight from ASU to the shelter and not getting home until 11:30 at night, only to wake up at 5:30 and do it all over again. It was tremendously exhausting. I enjoy my job at ASU, but I'm starting to realize just how much office politics forces itself upon the workers. I'm hoping that I can stay as neutral as possible and be able to work instead of worry about what my coworkers think of me or if they're talking about me, etc.

Ok, well, that should be a substantial enough update to keep whoever reads this satisfied.
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