Nov 23, 2003 01:44
It is good that it never really mattered how hard things were, you simply just didnt care, and you dont, and that just might be the most wonderful thing ever because now I do not care, not about you, or anybody else for that matter, not even about myself. For a girl who has spent the last 17 years putting everyone she has ever cared for before herself, idolizing, learning, loving, sharing, for that girl to finally come to this, and have no bitterness about it, is also very much amazing.
I had always been the girl who would drop everything for someone no matter what, and here I am, dropped.
I think about what a hard time Ive had letting go but then I look at some of you now, and Im just sort of disgusted. I used to think you were immortal, I used to think you were beautiful, I used to think you were trustworthy, I used to think you were caring, I used to think you were fun, I used to think you were mature, I used to think you were thoughtful, I used to think you were different, I used to think you were understanding.
I am so tired of just running through the motions.
Maybe I am this way for a reason, but hello honesty, it has been far too long... and they thought that you used to get me into trouble! pfft!