Sep 30, 2004 16:53

mauraders: *fangirls Percy in post*

alcoholicberry: Cute picture, the glasses look so big on him.
er..Why do I love Percy? Because...It's a love that has been going on since I wrote my first fanfic. Percy needs the love! He's starved for attention because everytime he does something worth recognition his family looks the other way. No wonder he left. *sobs*

And I would put him with Oliver most definetly. I don't much like Penny and I'm not sure why.

*shrugs* I just think Oliver needs someone down to earth and Percy needs someone that will go to all
different heights to make him feel special. It's kind of hard to explain but Oliver is someone that
everyone thinks is gourgeous and everyone adores and Percy is just the opposite. So I think it's cute
that Oliver would pick Percy over everyone that he could have.

mauraders: Oooh, what an interesting take on Oliver/Percy slash. I like it!

And wittle ickle Percykins! Wookit the glasses. He is teh precious. The big glasses is what sold me on the picture, actually.

alcoholicberryHeh. That's how I see it at least, I'm not sure how others see it.

Yeah, that's where the birth of 'Percy's glasses slid to the tip of his nose' probably came from.
poor child.

mauraders: I have a glasses fetish.

Interesting, because I hate my own glasses.

Percy's glasses on the tip of his nose -- well, he's barely got a nose there, has he? No wonder they're
always slipping down!

alcoholicberry: lol. I have a glasses fetish too. Can't help it. I'm in to all the geeky boys at school that tend to shy away from people.

It must just be a thing, because everytime I see someone wearing glasses I nearly pounce on them.

mauraders: Seriously! I told my ex (before he was my ex) that I "find guys who wear glasses
unbelievably sexy."

As such, I *heart* Clark Kent. Superman - eh, not so much.

alcoholicberry: lol. Superman. I never did like him but when he put on the glasses as Clark Kent, something just overwhelms one (must be his superpowered glasses. lol)

It must be glasses though, because last time I wore mine out was at PoA and seven girls started to flirt with me. *shakes head* Had to stick out my chest to get them to understand I was a women.

mauraders: Superpowers!glasses !! Dude!! Plotbunny!

Guy: *glasses on*
Fangirls: *flock*
Guy: *glasses off*
Fangirls: *lose interest*

alcoholicberry: Exactly my point. Damn those infernal glasses and there powers over me!

*shakes fist*

mauraders: I am laughing so hard right now. The guys are looking at me like I'm nuts.
Which, of course, I am, but that's entirely besides the point.

All hail the power of the SPECTACLES.

alcholicberry: *bows down to spectacles*

So there's another reason I <3 Percy I suppose.
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