Oct 16, 2009 15:16
I will not be around for a while. Seems my new comp is dead, IE: got an email from a good friend and when I opened it, it activated a MAJOR worm/trojan/virus thingie and infected the whole system so that my minibook is now toast and i need to save up mucho cash to have it wiped and redone. *cusses angrily* It was, as best as I can figure something she didn't know she had, and it took over her email contact book and mass mailed this thing out, since that is the way they work.
SO.... IF you get an email from me, DO NOT OPEN IT! DELETE IT AND FLUSH IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!
I am telling you this because I have not written any email to anyone except my brother in over a month.
Please please please, do not open anything from my mail account, delete and distroy it as quickly as you can. I will not be here because this is robling unit's toy and I have no ther access will not be answering any comments to this or have any other contact UNTIL my own minibook is repaired.
Sorry if this causes any confusion, but I thought it best to warn you all. Good luck and see ya in a couple months.
Just to let you know, the item in question is called Windows Pilot Pro, do not get anywhere near this item, delete it as quickly as you can and DO NOT hit the link in it, that is how this happened to me!! Remember Windows Pilot Pro = DANGER!!!!!