7 Things Survey

Jan 17, 2010 19:31

I was tagged by fae_dreamdance. Also, being as I still owe Jackie another survey *lowers head in shame* I figured I'd get this done sooner rather than later.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. No one ever believes me when I say I am Mexican. People seem to have a misconception about what Mexican people look like and, apparently, I don't fit the bill.

2. I went to culinary school in Italy. It was awesome. *Grins* Food is my obsession. Well... One of them.

3. I am completely OCD. I color code my closet, carry wipes and hand sanitizer with me at all times... Can't have cabinet doors left open, which the boyfriend -loves- to do. You know, that kind of stuff.

4. I love cats. I haven't owned one in years, but I'm itching for one. *Nods*

5. I can be quite klutzy. Like, just yesterday, I cut myself with a measuring cup. 0.o

6. I am extremely shy. Which makes me antisocial since I'd rather avoid uncomfortable situations. I don't really have friends for that reason.

7. I must have tea every morning after waking up.

I don't wanna.

Whoever wants to do it!
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