Apr 16, 2005 22:16
This is the fourth day that my alarm has failed to wake me up. Oh, it goes off, and I push the snooze... but the snooze has been unreliable. I cannot complete the waking up process without five to ten snooze hits. People are amazed at my snooze hitting endurance; sometimes it's a twelve step program. Anyway, late wake-up today.
When I did drag my ass out of bed around nine-thirty, I called Jeff to see what the deal was with going out to pull weeds today. That is my internship -- the erradication of invasive species a.k.a. glorified weed pulling. We got there around noon. He had gotten himself a machete, which I am insanely jealous of. I had my pruning shears, but I was scheming for the IDEAL weapon, I mean tool. And he shows up with a machete that makes weed-salad in seconds. (we just have to cut them down before they flower... we aren't expected to do anything about the root systems, which are so widespread that we're really not doing any good anyway) A machete. I want a machete, but I want it longer and with a serrated-razor-sharp-diamond-tooth-bone-cutting-saw-edge. For the zombies -- I mean plants. And I want a sheath slung across my back for it. And a thigh-garter holster for the shears. I've also decided that having scythe-toed boots would also be a big help. I'd probably trip and hamstring myself though, so maybe scratch those.
My arms are nicely sunburned on top, except where it abruptly ends at the gloveline. Like a sock tan for the arms... At least I didn't get any ticks on me, or bee stings or anything... we don't get paid enough for this.