Jun 02, 2010 22:24
I'm still basically in the same place. except i'm 25 now.
i still think of a certain someone every now and again, but as time goes by the wound heals, the scar tissue is still there, the damge has been done, but finally, finally its closed.
i got what i asked for, i was shown i could realy fall in love again. it was so short, but so beautifully sweet and pure, i thank God for it.
The pain of it even, because it meant that after all of these nameless faceless people there was actually a heart still beating inside of me.
i was so terrified. i still am, but not of the same things. my self imposed celebacy is a blesing and a curse, but i know that i'm not gunna let myself be used anymore. the sad thing is no one has been using me more then myself.
anyway, i need this so i can remember my life, because the truly horrifying thing is i cant remember anything anymore. i dont want my life to be a bunch of snpashots with no deeper meaning, i want to remember the greatness of it.