Feb 13, 2008 01:52
Basically, I dont think that I have written in this since this summer. Pretty sucky. I will do my best to now recap since then:
Planning a wedding, Wahoo!
Last semester I went ahead and quit my job with admissions. I had too much to do, so no more office entries as of this point in my life.
I played on the Volleyball team again.
I am an RA. I may have already mentioned this. It has mostly been ok, but as of lately I am getting the brunt of some aggression... Not stellar.
My roommates from last semester, Amy and Kristen, are done with their degrees. I got new roommies: Melissa and Katrene. We are all engaged and planning our weddings, so it is really going so very well... we get along great.
I started replanning my wedding - Keep expenses down a little more for the wedding and then actually have some place to live... what a novel idea.
I lost my job at the YMCA... essentially. They cut me of all of my hours because they cant afford to pay me, and then they pulled me off payroll. When I went to go to another Y, they sent me home because I was technically no longer employed there (they have since fixed that, but I am not going to my original Y, they are jerks.
I am looking for a new job if for nothing more than just the few months before I graduate so that I can have some money saved up, so that I can live and get a job in Sarasota.
Justin is doing his internship in Sarasota with Jason Mocherman right now.
Graduation is May 2nd, my 22nd birthday May 5th, my sisters graduation and birthday are on June 6th, my mom's birthday is June 9th, and then I get married June 22nd. That is a lot in a very short amount of time.
This semesters class load is easy. I only have 12 hours of class. Half of them are done next thursday, and then I have an online class that finishes in March. I have the one lone class at FCC that will drag until the end of April.
I want to work so many hours somewhere, that is why I set my schedule up the way that I did. I had foresight, just not enough to know that I should have quit the Y so long ago.
I hang out with Melissa a lot since both of our fiances live away from us right now.
I sometimes teach Sunday school. I have been wanting to do this for a while and I am on an every three month rotation. It made me realize that children's ministry isnt my calling like I once thought that it might be.
I might post things here about wedding plans, or I might not. I am not sure what I have decided about that yet.
I think that might be some of the biggest things in my life right now. Maybe I will post more often. Maybe not. I am involved with communities...who would've thought. I may be more inspired to write about my life when I am on here. I like reading other people's wedding plans and seeing what kind of stuff they have to say.