I suppose I should fill people in on the computer situation, now that I have an extra few minutes to sit down and type.
dragonspam people, I found my keyboard. *brick*)
electricgecko has kindly lent me possession of her old G4 Mac and so I have a working system again.
keovi, thank you for your kindness in looking but things worked themselves out another way. :)
RL issues have been sucking up all my time/energy lately. I know, it's the age-old LJ refrain, but it really is true. I don't have much left at the end of the day anymore. This winter has been soul-wearing. I'm okay, just very much looking forward to spring.
Today, it's sunny and Dave is delivering tonight on a promise he made over the summer: that he would take me to Cirque du Soleil in Portland when they were here. Which time is now, during March.
Last time I went to Cirque in Portland with a boyfriend, we had broken up a bare week later.
I am slightly dubious. Circumstances make me want to squirm.
But I am resolved to have fun, and who can't at a Cirque show?
please click them, I know they're annoying but they'll DIE