Goodness Gracious Meme

Apr 16, 2011 00:11

So, between reviewing the powerpoint slides for Art History and watching another episode of Scrubs (this is my life: medical dramedy and classical history), here's a meme that I'm filling out to distract myself:

1. Leave a comment saying 'interview me'. Only make sure the grammar's right. I may kill you otherwise.
2. I'll give you five questions to answer.
3. Answer the questions on an LJ-post.
4. Include these instructions (edited as you please, as long as the gist is the same) in your post.
5. Give other people questions!

starlyss gave me these questions:
1. If you were reincarnated into an animal, what would it be and why?
An animal, you say? Hmmm... I think I will come back to this. -proceeds to rest of questions-
-returns at length, having decided nothing-
I'm gonna go with a dog. It's generic as shit, but I figure I would be a really strange mix that would act in pretty unpredictable ways and would be the sort of dog where people would be all "...dude, what are you doing?" Also I might get to have huge ears, which would be a plus. Ooh, and I could have really fluffy fur! I hope I'm like a German Shepherd/Newfie/Dachsund/Basset Hound mix. That would be peculiar.

2. Who is the most underrated Harry Potter character?
I'm gonna go with Mr. Ollivander. Let's face it, he's kind of ridiculously talented at what he does and he is the only character in the franchise that even seems to glance outside the Go-Go-Gryffindor morality of it. All the other characters (with a few exceptions - Malfoy, Regulus Black, and [to a certain extent] Dumbledore) are pretty much cold-cast into a single set of morals that they stick with and that are either "I'm a happy happy good guy" or "I'm a nasty evil dude who gets his comeuppance in the end". Ollivander acknowledges first that Voldemort did great things and only then qualifies them as being terrible; that indicates to me that there's a great deal of unexplored depth in his thinking that no one cares to look at because they're all too busy going "Those pesky impure fuckers, tainting our bloodlines!" or "Those racist bastards!"

3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I would imagine that it would vary based on the amount of time that the woodchuck had in which to chuck the wood. Also, does this woodchuck need breaks for food and water? How big are the pieces of wood it is expected to chuck? Can it get splinters? Does it hold a vicious grudge against beavers? Why does it despise all things with thorns? Could this have something to do with the mysterious cloaked stranger than entered its life so many years ago and left but four nights later with a swish of cloth that brushed leaves from the threshold? Does the woodchuck pay homage to all the proper deities? Does he sacrifice? Does he pray? Is he properly purified before the rituals? Did he convert to chucking wood, or is it something his parents did and their parents before them? What party does he vote for? Why does he live in a submarine rather than in a tank full of a thousand live preying mantises, each with their rosaries perfectly coiled around their pincers and their mandibles poised to incant prayers to the Blessed Virgin?

4. Describe yourself using 5 different lyrics from 5 different songs. (appealed from: Describe yourself using only Pokemon characteristics from the different Pokemon.)
Not only will I use difference lyrics from different songs, no two songs will be by the same artist.
"She says, I'm okay / I'm all right / though you have gone from my life / she said everything would / now everything should / be all right" -- Flogging Molly, If I Ever Leave This World Alive
"It is raining, he's got no umbrella" -- Regina Spektor, Ghost of Corporate Future
"True, though the imprint is deep in me / it will always be up to me" -- Repo! the Genetic Opera, Genetic Emancipation
"There's no Bible / No Buddha / No Shiva / No Satan / can save us now" -- Lily Holbrook, King's Castle
"I made a deal with the Devil / and when I die, I'm going straight to hell" -- Great Big Sea, Straight To Hell

5. What is the meaning of life?
There isn't one. Well, not in the sense of some external objective be all and end all of meaning. There's meaning in the sense that we can make it for ourselves, and my personal belief is that meaning, such as it is, does not and cannot extend beyond people. So in terms of that, what's the meaning of life? Personal. It's whatever you want it to be.

meme, studying, procrastination

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