Wild Wild West

Apr 18, 2008 19:58

How many of you remember that movie?

I rewatched it recently. For those of you who don't know it and are miraculously still interested in this post, it's about a two cops who are stopping a steampunk villain whose main weapon is... and 80 foot tall spider. Mechanical spider, I should add. And it spits fireballs.

And honestly, while it's nothing superb, I don't think it's as bad as all the reviews say. A few points:
1) It's got some great steampunk sorts of things in it. Like the spider.
2) It has some phenomenally homosexual undertones. SERIOUSLY.
3) The bad guy is played by Kenneth Branagh. That makes him stylish, though I totally didn't guess that at the time.
4) Lastly, the effects are better than Transformers. Yes, you read that right. The giant spider actually moves like it's 80 feet tall, and not like it's a crappily CGIed piece of crap by lazy animators who didn't want to make things move like they obeyed the laws of physics.

I'm not going to endorse this movie. But to a certain extent, it is SO ridiculous that it's brilliant.

It should also be noted that I thought carefully before endorsing a movie that was one of the worst films of 1999 and got like... a 4.1 on IMDb. I really did think hard about it. But honestly, it was hilarious.

Now the rhino needs to get out of my upper chest. That would be REALLY nice about now.

My Linguistics final went pretty well. I'm confident about it. Oh, and on my English term paper I got a solid B. Which I'm happy about. Except for the fact that I KNOW I could've gotten an A on it if I'd actually applied myself. But hell. For something I didn't even edit once, I'd say a B on a term paper is pretty damn good.

Oh, and... I've been on a Will Smith kick lately. I actually like him as an actor.

finals, rant, movies, wild wild west, will smith

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