Jan 31, 2023 10:29
I am very late to the exodus, but I am leaving this place nonetheless.
I had been encouraged to go for sometime, but never had the time or opportunity even though I had the motive.
I've watched LJ evolve away from a place of free expression into a place that more resembled the home owned by a dysfunctional controlling parent. Even free rent becomes too high a price if it enables despotism and exploitation.
I stayed on ONLY because I hadn't been able to get to or get around to doing/setting up something better for myself. I stayed away because I didn't want to keep feeding the current "regime" with my content. But I missed having a format and a forum for longer posts, musings, and occasional bits of fiction, especially if I wanted to search for it later.
I am still my (above) username, but I am now exported to Dreamwidth. I will no longer be posting here.
I'll be leaving the journal itself up for the time being, especially if it helps people to find me.