[списать слова и подпевать] We're clearly soldiers in petticoats And dauntless crusaders for woman's votes Though we adore men individually We agree that as a group they're rather stupid!
Cast off the shackles of yesterday! Shoulder to shoulder into the fray! Our daughters' daughters will adore us And they'll sign in grateful chorus "Well done, Sister Suffragette!"
From Kensington to Billingsgate One hears the restless cries! From ev'ry corner of the land: "Womankind, arise!" Political equality and equal rights with men! Take heart! For Missus Pankhurst has been clapped in irons again!
No more the meek and mild subservients we! We're fighting for our rights, militantly! Never you fear!
So, cast off the shackles of yesterday! Shoulder to shoulder into the fray! Our daughters' daughters will adore us And they'll sign in grateful chorus "Well done! Well done! Well done Sister Suffragette!"
[списать слова и подпевать]Verse 1 Shout, shout, up with your song! Cry with the wind, for the dawn is breaking; March, march, swing you along, Wide blows our banner, and hope is waking. Song with its story, dreams with their glory Lo! they call, and glad is their word! Loud and louder it swells, Thunder of freedom, the voice of the Lord!
Verse 2 Long, long-we in the past Cowered in dread from the light of heaven, Strong, strong-stand we at last, Fearless in faith and with sight new given. Strength with its beauty, Life with its duty, (Hear the voice, oh hear and obey!) These, these-beckon us on! Open your eyes to the blaze of day.
Verse 3 Comrades-ye who have dared First in the battle to strive and sorrow! Scorned, spurned-nought have ye cared, Raising your eyes to a wider morrow, Ways that are weary, days that are dreary, Toil and pain by faith ye have borne; Hail, hail-victors ye stand, Wearing the wreath that the brave have worn!
Verse 4 Life, strife-those two are one, Naught can ye win but by faith and daring. On, on-that ye have done But for the work of today preparing. Firm in reliance, laugh a defiance, (Laugh in hope, for sure is the end) March, march-many as one, Shoulder to shoulder and friend to friend.