Jan 27, 2004 10:44
Well, my office smells like cat and it's grossing me out big time! Argh! Nobody told me your nose would get so sensitive when you're pregnant! I need to get D to clean the cat litter and sweep the floor...disinfect even! Urgh!
But much happiness on the baby front. The little sproglet is doing just fine, we went to the first prenatal visit last week, and everything is just fine. S/he is growing, and swimming around! By February we should be able to hear the heart beat. That will be very cool! And maybe even get a picture by then...it'll be 14 weeks by then.
Energy-wise, I'm slow and having trouble eating. My regular routine is get up, tie hair back, put on robe and sit in front of toilet. Blow nose, vomit, get up, brush teeth, and get on with the day. The only problem is that after the throwing up, I still feel like I'm car sick all day. Breakfast has become a Pria bar, banana and a glass of milk, lunch is whatever will stay down, and same with dinner. Sometimes even WATER smells funny!!! BAH! I'm tired and my stomach is blah! But even with all the indigestion, the little wiggle is just floating around and la la la! And that is something I'm supremely thankful for. I kept on thinking the tiniest movement or twitch of muscles was a sign that it was an ectopic pregnancy. I'm 11 weeks along, so that can't possibly be the case. And the doc confirmed it. I must say that it was very SURREAL to have my husband and my obstetrician looking at my stuff at the same time. Har dee har!
I miss you guys tons, and I wish I could rant and discuss all sorts of bodily fluids...well, okay, maybe skip that part, but just hang out with you. Heh, it would be funny to have you all autograph my belly when it gets HUGE!!! That way the baby would see pictures of all it's aunties and uncles scribbling on his/her head!
Okay, the cat pee is killing me! I love you guys! *smooches*