equal rights for all californians

Oct 08, 2008 15:12

I don't usually talk much about politics in this journal (though in my daily life I can't shut up about them), but this is an issue that's very, very important to me.

From Equality California:

Every Californian should have the choice to marry the person they love. It’s a personal and fundamental freedom guaranteed by the California Constitution.

But this November, Californians will have an opportunity to vote on Prop. 8, a divisive measure that aims to take away this basic freedom from same-gender couples. It’s not right for California. And it’s not right for you.

From kudra2324:

opponents of marriage equality in california currently have a $10 million fundraising advantage over groups trying to ensure that all people have the right to marry the person of their choosing. the result is a slew of negative ads that are working. if you have any money to spare, equality california needs it - you can here.

If you're in California, make sure you're registered to vote. And even if you're not in California, you can still donate to this very worthy cause.
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