the Zipper Legacy 1.1

Aug 16, 2011 06:27

*Warning: Adult language*

Last time You were introduced to our founder; Rhonda. She went on a penis man hunt. She started a garden, and she got romantically involved with a stud muffin man called Arthur.

We start this chapter off with Rhonda going fishing, and looking mega cute while doing it. :3
Rhonda I can fucking hypnotize anyone I want with my cuteness.

OMGITSCRUNCHY! EEEEP! (yes he and Muffin survived the crash somehow)
Crunchy Eeeeh...
And what could make Chrunchy go 'Eeeeh...' you might wonder....

Crunchy I placed all my money one my wife.... not a smart move..
Rhonda Bitch going down.
Teri Stfu.

As soon as Rhonda got home, she called arthur and invited him over.
May I add that their not officially a couple yet?
Because they arn't, just sayin'.

Rhonda You are entrapped in my stink rays of luuuv.
He left after that. Good going Rhonda. ><

Rhonda calmed herself by licking the dirty plates clean. *sigh*

But somthing strange was happening, every time Rhonda invited Arthur over he would always reject her approaches.
Rhonda But why noooooot?
Arthur Because I'm not in the mood.
I'm guessing it was because arthur would leave at 2am and Rhonda would invite him back over at 6am. So mabey he never got to properly take care of his needs? Idk.

Anyway, they spent the rest of the day not being ~romantic.
Rhonda Ooof!
Arthur WOO! Ten points for Arthur!

Rhonda Hey Arthur, come lay with me in bed, I want to show you something.
Arthur Is it a bug? Becasue I don't like bugs. Please don't show me a bug.
Rhonda It's not a bug Arthur, it's somthing more... exotic.

Random story time!
While we were in sceince class we were learning about exotic fishes. I had to read a part out of our text book, and instead of exotic fishes I said erotic fishes. Whoops?
True fax.

Rhonda Okay, are you ready for my exotic surprise?
Arthur Wait a minute..

Arthur ... Are you talking about woohoo?! In that case, No. I am  not ready for your surprise. >:(
Rhonda But- but why?
Arthur I just don't want to okay? I'm not ready yet.

The next day Rhonda went to complete an oppertunity.
Rhonda Hey bitch, come over here. We need to share our cooking secrets.
Woman Why they all so mean to meh? *crie crie*
At this point Rhonda was a level 6 at cooking :D

Rhonda was still dirt poor and didn't have a job, so I let her get a job in the culinary career.
On the first day she got a promotion. ;)  Atta girl.

The next dat Arthur came over.
Arthur I'm sorry I've been being an ass wipe latley, and I wanted you to know that I really do care about you so...

Arthur ... I got you these. Forgive me?
Let's see shall we?

Yeah, okay, she forgave him, she loves him too much. 
Rhonda OHMAGAWD THEY'R GAWGEOUS!!!!1!!1oneone1!!1!!!

After that Arthur changed into his sleepwear. Trying to get in the mood i see?

Arthur That was the best woohoo I ever had, even if you didn't take off your clothes. <3
Rhonda Arthur my sweet, noone shall ever see me completley nude. <3

First day of work!

He strutted out of the house <3
The strut shall always amuse me.

Rhonda threw up six times, I just didn't feel like posting 6 pictures of her throwing up. I'll spare you.

Crunchy And stay down!
Dude Crunchy, not cool.
he lived across the street, thats why he shows up so often.

Rhonda I don't feel so good. :(
You would think that she would have decided that a bit earlier after throwing up six times. ><

Rhonda Hey lookie here, I'm carrying a fetus in my womb. :D
Atleast she learned something in health class.

Rhonda Buuuuurp.
Ew, Rhonda, gross.
Rhonda Just becasue I'm going to be a mother, doesn't mean that i'll have to stop being a slob.
Fine. But you can atleast try to.

She collected some rocks. :3
She was actually looking for a death flower around the graveyard, but she didn't find a seed or a plant.

Rhonda Yeah thats right, I see you taking pictures of everything I do. don't even try to hide it. Go Away.
But I'm the camera girl.. :(
Rhonda GO AWAY.

Arthur How'd you get so fat Ronnie?

I guess that question will be anwered by itself. :)
He didn't follow her to the hospital though, I guess he won't know that he has a child until Rhonda tells him.

I present to you inviso-baby!
Rhonda 10 hours of labor, for this?!

Yeah so anyways the baby glitched so i had to age her up. this is Pearl. Her traits are loves the outdoors and insane.
Yaaay. /sarcasm
Isn't she just so cute? lolno.

Srsly, shes a great mix of her parents. She's got her moms eye color, nose and mouth. And she's got her dads hair and eye shape. :3
Pearl Gah!

Rhonda actually started to clean for once! 
Rhonda The things I do for my children.

*Warning: From this point on there will be alot of Pearl*

Rhonda was actually a better parent than I had expected her to be. :)
Rhonda Mommy loves you little Pearlie.
Pearl Pewrl wuves you wittle mommy.
Too much cute!

Pearl Mommy Pewrl wants to pway! Not go nap nap!
Rhonda No Pearl, you have to take your nap.
Pearl Awww poo. :(

Pearl Me got toy car! :D
D>MNKBJHA DAD JNdnsgjn Stop being so cute!

Pearl Omnomnomnom!

Rhonda You ready Pearl? Mommys going to watch you  ride the pirate ship!
Pearl Pearl weady! Pearl weady to wide the ship!

Rhonda Yaaaay go Pearlie!
Pearl Pearl wides ship fast!

Lets take a wittle little break from Pearl m'kay?

This is Shari, Muffin and Mortimers daughter. <3

And this is Malcom, Crunchy and Teri's son. <3

Now let's go back to Pearl...

Pearl Mommy mommy! Look! A bug! A wady bug! Eeep! I sawded a wady bug! *squee* Best ride ever!

I love the strollers, I just hate that the parent pushing the stroller looks so... scary.

Little Pearl got a doll. I almost deleted it. Almost. But I just decided to never let it leave Pearl's inventory.

Soon enough Rhonda decided to let Arthur meet his daughter for the first time.

He didn't take it too well.
Arthur Rhonda this isn't fair! To me or to our daughter! You didn't bother telling me that you were pregnant so how could I have known? Because you didn't tell me I missed being there for Pearl in the beginning of her life!
Rhonda Are you saying that you don't want Pearl?!
Arthur What? NO! Of course I want Pearl! I'm just pissed off that you didn't tell me anything! Now everyone thinks that I knocked you up and left! All you had to do was tell me and everything would have been alright.

Pearl didn't like the yelling that was going on.
Pearl Why mommy fight with so proclaimed daddy?! WAAAAH!

Eehee! Arthur looks evil. *snicker*

Arthur actually really liked little Pearl.
Arthur Hello little Pearlie, I'm your daddy.
Pearl I luv you so proclaimed daddy.
Pearl easily starts loving people. :3

These two easily forgave each other. <3
Rhonda Your right, I should have told you. It just all happend so fast I-
Arthur -Shhh, it's fine my sweet. I forgive you.

Rhonda You do? Well that is just fantaboulous! Hold on a sec, I've got something for you. 
Arthur Honey, it's not somthing exotic again, is it? Pearls right here next to us.

Rhonda  This, is what I have for you.
Arthur Huh?

Rhonda Marry me?
Arthur *shock shock*

Arthur Yes! Yes! I'll marry you any day! I love you Rhonda! And I would want to marry you more than anything!

Rhonda Well thats great honey. Can you put on the ring now? My face is staring to hurt from smiling.

Family shot!

since there was no time to lose, they got married straight away!
Rhonda Hurr hurr.


I bought arthur a treadmill because he joined the sports career.

Also the house got upgraded, I kind of hate it. Idk why.

We end this chapter with Pearl whining.
I'm sorry this was so short, it was because I only realized it was so short when I started writing,and I wanted to get this chapter out today and not make you wait any longer.
I hoped you liked it!
(If you were wondering, I'm feeling alot better.)

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