Sep 25, 2011 18:39
I've been trying to find a place to live closer to my college campus; right now I live 45 minutes away, and that is all kinds of balls. My budget for monthly rent is pretty low, seeing as I am, pardon my French, poor as fuck.
I've been looking at ads on Craigslist for available rooms, because they are pretty location-specific and I can't afford the fancy brand-new empty apartments in newspapers/online room finders.
I'm amazed at how many ads are from creepers, or maybe just one prolific creeper, idk. But so many of them are all HEY I AM A MALE AND I NEED A LADY and go downhill from there. Basically, you're paying rent to be their fake wife or joyride. I mean, I know it's Craigslist so I can't expect the cream of humanity's crop, but come on people. That is just downright pathetic.
And creepy.