I have no subject for the subject line

Mar 26, 2004 10:22

Ok ok I must admit this journal is very addtictive and it's partly b/c it's a great way to procrastinate. So here I sit once more at school,waiting for my group to arrive. I've been here since 9ish and my meeting's not till 11. Why am I here so early you may ask (or you may not care), I have a presetation and I had huge posters and props to bring with me,and seeing that it's raining, I convinced my dad to drive down today. It was great, he drove and I napped. Theses past few days sleep has been majorly lacking. I did however win a free donut from Tim Horton's. I was on my way wednesday nite to a 24 hr Staples that does printing and binding b/c my goroup left it up to me to finish the assignment the nite before. So on my way there I was falling asleep to I stop to get some caffine in my system! Very happy about winning the donut, made the trip at 1 am very worth while!!!
I was thinking that it would be very interesting to keep the journal much like Bridget Jones does, but that takes way more effort and time I currently do not possess!
As I wait for my group I realize that I've preapred nothing for my presentation, that my comments will be based on what others say, which is fine with me, I'm not really in a talking kind of mood today. Which is very odd for me b/c I can go on and on forever, jumping from idea to idea (just ask Linda and Judy!) It might be the weather, but I like raniny days and even like thunder storms. It's so peaceful to listen to the rain, curl up with a book and a hot cup of tea and just spend the whole day reading. Sounds like a great idea and the might be what I do tomorrow, consdiering I have to read a 300 pg for my gothic english class. It should have been read last week, but time did not permit. And it's a super warped book. The character kills rabbits, and sheeps and snakes and other animals for fun, it's seriousy sick, but it's a required reading!
If all else fails I can go shopping. I need some new clothes for my new internship, but I don't want to go alone. If any one has the desire to go shopping with me, let me know and we can arrange something. I know at this point Linda and Judy have sworn never to go shopping with me b/c they think I'm nuts and uncontrollable. Very much the opposite in this case... I know what I want and I know need!
The highlights of this past week has been the Leafs game I went to with my sister and tuesday and my sister's birthday today. She got the tix for her birthday and I wanted to go with her... but what did I have to do to earn the right to go with her, take her out to dinner and Jon and me on sunday... she's a little con artist, but dinner was good I must admit. So we went to the game and they lost. It was really sad, they were just skating around. They had no energy, like they didn't even want to be there. These guys are getting paid millions, they better play well and look like they want to be there. But other than the loss it was a great time. We cheered and yelled and screamed! I love going to sporting to events, I got to go the Raptors game last Friday (thanks to Jon) and we had the best time. I totally get into the game and have a great time cheering. It's funny how most people think I'm sore of girly-girl who isn't into sports! I'm as sporty as the next guy. I played baseball on a guys team, and I was part of a guys rec soccer team when I was in Europe. I can get super mean and tough, so stay of my way, cuz I use my elbows a lot!!! hehehehehe
I'm thinking back to a job interview I had two weeks ago and the marketing director asked me what kind of fruit I was. The first thought that popped into my head was apple. But that's borning and I really wanted this job, so the next fruit that came to mind was a pomegranate. Honestly, how I was ever going to explain this one, but I opened my mouth and out it came, I had said pomegranate. Needless to say the director was very impressed,so I went on to say the they are unique and they aren't avaliable at all times, makeing reference to my talent and creativity.... I had no idea where I was going with this... and then I said that they are fun fruit to eat and I'm a fun person and that they have lots of little seeds and that I have lots of parts of to me depending on the situation. I didn't get the first job that I wanted in the company, but I did get my second choice with the company and that's fine with me! I love job interviews but after 7 of them in 3 weeks I was so happy I had no more to do. Talk about stress and sore feet (stupid high heels!)
Well I think I've ranted enough for now and my group should be here any moment now. Only a few more weeks to go......

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