My Warm, Comfy Bed

Mar 30, 2004 14:39

Here I am sitting at school waiting for my next to begin and what a hellish day it has been thus far. Not to mention the weather. Personally I don’t mind rain, but when it causes major hair problems it drives me nuts. So I get up extra early to make myself presentatable for my presentation and I do my hair all nice. Turns out it’s raining, windy and damp (I got up and it was still dark out so I had no idea what to expect!) My lovely coiffed do flops in 10 minutes and I look like a mess. Not to mention the fact that I had to wear heels and then go puddle jumping in the Finch parking lot.
The rest of the day was going ok; I got to watch a presentation in my first class so that was easy going. My next class we had mock interviews to do and my group was presenting. One of our members who had a crucial role in the presentation forgot about the class, so we had to modify. We ended up interview three potential people, and I was chairing the interview process and the decision making that followed. So we were all ready to go and begin our discussion about the ppl we had just interviewed. I started the discussion and the first sentence that came out of my mouth was, “So, we need to decide which people we want to do”. The whole class started laughing and needless to say I embarrassed myself badly. I meant to say “We need to decide what we’re going to do and who we’re going to hire, but my words came out all wrong. It was horrible and from then on I had to not make eye contact with the audience (which we didn’t have to, but I felt so embarrassed) Nothing like that has ever happened to me in a presentation situation!!!! After that there was another group to go and I was sitting at the back of the room and I managed to fall asleep, with the head-bobs and all. The prof didn’t see me, but in a class of 20, all she had to do was turn around and see me. I really need to start getting more sleep. Going to bed at 1 and getting up at 5 or 6, depending on the day is not working for me.
So I’m hoping that the rest of the day goes better, I still have on more class to get through.
I guess part of the reason that I’m so tired is b/c I’ve been up late reading books for my English class an I also finished Bridget Jones, The Edge of Reason. The book was very much like the first one and it was very enjoyable. I had to admit my fav part was when Bridget and Mark are at Mark’s house and they are cooking together and they enjoy a nice evening at home. I personally can’t wait till I can move out into my own place and cook for myself and enjoy the company of other ppl cooking with me. Maybe it’s b/c I’m a sap or a romantic, but I love the thought of a couple at home, cooking together and enjoying each others company. Not to mention something funny always happens, so you know it’s bound to be fun. It seems to me that there’s a feeling of independence and free spirit. For those of you who have read the book, let me know what you think of that part…. Or if I’m just crazy.
I’ve also decided to write my journals in word first. It makes it easier to stop and start if I get side-tracked or if I need to do something else and the journal entry isn’t done. Not to mention it corrects spelling and grammar, which I am lazy at. Plus I want to keep a record of all my entries, so one day in the distant future I can look back and read them over and realize just how nuts we all were!!!! I’m not the only crazy one and I know it, the rest of you (except Judy, b/c we know she is) need to admit that you are crazy, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I just noticed that when I spell “I’m” an Im, one of the corrections I get I “IBM”. I wonder what they had to do to get their company into the Word dictionary?!?!
My eye lids are closing as I sit here and I still have one more 3 hr lecture to get through. The only good thing is that there are over 100 in a darkened theater, so I guess I can take a bit of a nap! =) So I think this is it for this entry, I’m off to get a nice hidden seat in class.

Happy Rainy day to everyone else and try and keep your toes dry!

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