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Found it purely by accident, looking for info about an old old old property of American Greetings, Herself the Elf. I've mentioned before that I've always loved little cute squishy things so PLEASE REFRAIN FROM MOCKING. Anyhoo, I stumbled across some art by
Potato Farm Girl, who also created the above animation. I have to say I really like her stuff. Mwee. X3
ANYWAY. I was also poking around ebay and such looking for the HTE dolls, which I wanted and didn't at the same time back in the early 80s. Because I thought the costumes were cute and all (BELLS) but the faces to me never looked as cute as they did in the cartoon. I also remember thinking some of the actual AG art was pretty fug, too. Maybe I'm too picky about such things, but if I have to look at it I want it to be nice to look at. Buuuuuuut... There is a vintage pattern on eBay for a HTE rag doll, and revamping the face wouldn't be too difficult. Maybe.