CLICK HERE FOR CUTE. Muffy's actually big enough now to wear the collar I bought her without it slipping down around her middle. This is good, because now I can hear her if she's underfoot and am now less likely to boot her around the kitchen. Hhowever she wants to play with the bell on the collar, so most of last night was spent watching her wrestle with herself around on the floor trying to pull the bell off and then spazzing and tearing through the cottage.
Kitties are an endless source of entertainment.
Talked to Mags today, yay!
Had a wierd dream in which I hung out with Maggie and we watched old episodes of M*A*S*H, which was high on the WTF? Scale.
Trying to find stuff about the Aesthetic movement; it was smack dab in the middle of the Arts and Crafts movement and Art Nouveau, so of course there's overlap. The problem is I can't exactly place what I'm trying to find, so it's a harder search than I thought.