Also reviews for DC Nation Shorts, ThunderCats, Ultimate Spider-Man, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Fringe, Once Upon A Time, The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show Grimm, Community, 30 Rock, The Office, and Parks and Recreation.
I'm taking a short break from reviewing DVDs and probably won't get into any new DVD reviews until next month (I'll still be reviewing television). But the next DVDs on my list are Men In Black: The Animated Series: Season 1, Bob's Burgers: Season 1, Marvel Anime: Iron Man, Marvel Anime: X-Men, The Looney Tunes Show: Season 1: Volumes 1,2,&3, Transformers Prime: Season 1, Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray, The Adventures Of Young Indiana Jones Volume 2: The War Years, The Adventures Of Young Indiana Jones Volume 3: The Years Of Change, SilverHawks: Volume 2, Pac-Man: Season 1, and Heathcliff: Season 1, Volume 1.
DC Nation
Green Lantern: The Animated Series "Fight Club"
Pretty good. I have to admit I was a bit annoyed with that Thanagarian con man by the end but I really like that Hal managed to trick him twice. The story was clever and the final shot of the Thanagarian admiring the ring while the Red Lantern ship appears right behind him was well done.
I liked the squid guy farting ink.
I thought the episode was decent but I just didn't care for the guest cast. That's a biggie on a show where the main cast travels from planet to planet and I don't think it's something this episode was able to overcome. ***1/2.
Young Justice: Invasion "Alienated"
I don't care WHAT explanation the show ever manages to give us I will never trust Kal'Dur again. Or like or forgive him either. He is on the same poop list of cartoon traitors that I reserve for especially egregious betrayals. His company includes Terra from Teen Titans and Karai from the last Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. There is NO excuse for bombing those aliens and the fact that it didn't bother him in the slightest shows that he is a butt-turd. Full stop. I hate him. I loved Lagoon Boy telling Nightwing not to coddle him after Dick tried to reason with him. He so did not deserve that courtesy.
His only possible excuse could be that he's undercover. But considering some of the monstrous things he said to himself when he was alone, that seems unlikely.
One thing I like about the show now is that Young Justice is teaming up more with the League so the tone is MUCH more similar to JLU. We get to see the entire cast interact and the adults get along with the kids now. I'm especially gratified to see Superman treat Connor like a little brother and Batman not being estranged at ALL from Nightwing, which is a rarity for animated appearances.
I'm not going to lie. The episode was good. But it made me VERY angry. Maybe that was the point but I think we are starting to see the storytelling flaws that can happen with a flashforward of this magnitude. ***1/2.
DC Nation Demonstrations "Robin's Collapsible Bo Staff"
I'm still guessing that even though that staff can knock through plaster it would fall apart against any REALLY hard substance. Least convincing demonstration ever. ***.
"New Teen Titans #5: Blackfire's Babysitter"
The thing I love most about these shorts is that they actually take continuity from stuff from the series that only a fanboy who actually watched it would get. Like the fact that Blackfire married that slime monster. And apparently had very gross sex with him. And very ugly babies. Happy Mother's Day! *****.
"Mad Presents... "That's What Superfriends Are For"
The extended version from the actual MAD episode is better but I'm surprised at how well the cut down version actually plays. I had thought that would be the one overlong MAD skit that could NOT be editted down in a good way. The ending isn't as good as the uncut version but it still works. ****.
ThunderCats "Birth Of The Blades"
I love the fact that Will Friedle writes for this show. God, I'm gonna miss it.
The episode was excellent. I didn't even mind Cree Summer for once. I wish we had seen either the TigerSharks or another hint of Mon-Star or the SilverHawks but that that would've been asking for too much. The episode was perfect as is.
Really. I loved this. *****.
Ultimate Spider-Man "Exclusive"
Easily the best episode yet. I love Smart Hulk from The Avengers but if I had to pick a second favorite animated Hulk, Nice Hulk would be choice Number 2. I love that the episode managed to not only stick to it's gimmick for almost the entire episode, but they made Mary Jane getting that footage and exciting camera angles and cuts seem plausible. Not even Justice League's "Wild Cards" which attempted to do a similar thing with live cameras was able to resist cheating now and again. It was well-done but this blew even THAT awesome high-concept episode out of the water.
I think I like this show more when it's just Spidey teaming up with a Marvel Hero and not the entire SHIELD team. That's a bad thing because they are main characters but if they do an episode like this three or four times a season I could really get to like this show.
Fantastic episode. ****1/2.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes "Micheal Korvac"
Better than last week, but then so was Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. But really, I can't complain too much. This had Miss Marvel kicking butt and Hulk in a funny small role. My biggest beef is that the bad guy sucked. But I really liked the Guardians of the Universe particularly that cartoon Raccoon. Say what you will about comic books but they used to have a sense of humor about themselves.
Pretty good. Not great. ***.
Fringe "Brave New World, Part 2"
I saw Walter killing Olivia coming a mile away. It was the ONLY logical and sensible option. That was quite the risk he took, gambling that he could revive her but I can't deny it paid off. If it hadn't, Peter would NEVER have forgiven him even if he HAD just saved all of creation.
I'm still not convinced Evil William Bell didn't try to remake the universe to prevent Observageddan (which the cliffhanger teased is still in play) but I can't really think of ANY logical way that that would work. Still, it's hinted that perhaps his intentions weren't malevolent when it showed that Bell knew EXACTLY how to kill and stop Observers.
Evil Charlotte is evil. That scene of her dead in the chair with her eyes fluttering in all different directions is one of the freakiest non-gory things the show has ever done. I'm gonna have nightmares now.
I'm am relieved the show got renewed and that we will FINALLY get to see what was up with Lost In Transit. Seriously. The writers NEEDED to explain themselves on that one and even if the episode hadn't ended with Walter and the Observer (as the writers were going to leave out if the show was canceled) because of the future storyline there is NO way I would have been satisfied with this as a series finale. Great episode though. Bring on more Leonard Nimoy! ****1/2.
Once Upon A Time "A Land Without Magic"
Well, that was unexpected. Seriously. This blew the entire concept of the show to pieces. A total gamechanger. I think the last show to do something this big (Not counting Doctor Who, which is big practically every week) was Lost's third season finale and before that the Alias Superbowl episode. Season 2 is going to be VERY different than season one with the curse "broken" and everyone getting their memories back.
We also got a hint that the future fairytale flashbacks will focus on the story of HOW Snow and Charming got the Kingdom back from their evil relatives so even THAT will be shaken up.
I would complain about Emma's kiss waking Henry up being a total (and completely predictable) cliche but the episode blew all of the rest of my expectations to smithereens so I'd sound REALLY stupid. You're entitled to do one cliche when you blow up your entire show.
I don't know what Regina's smiling about. Even if magic returns she is STILL screwed. The entire town will want her head and if the fairytale heroes are too noble to kill her, Rumplestilskin WON'T be now that he knows she kidnapped Belle. Her power is over. Unless the writers do something really lame Regina is in big trouble.
Speaking of Rumplestiltskin, his reunion with Belle was wonderful. However I was REALLY hoping the true love potion would retrieve Baelfire. Perhaps Gold will NOT be redeemed as I hoped.
Regina actually might be. I now genuinely believe she cares for Henry but as I said before she is SO screwed. Unless she gets every single one of her magic powers back she is at the town's mercy. And I doubt Gold would have released all of that magic if he thought the Queen would get a good chunk of it.
Malificent was a pretty good special effect. Nothing spectacular (it IS a TV budget) but servicable and not completely fake-looking. I don't think this show has the budget of Smallville, Battlestar Galactica, or Star Trek so I was satisfied.
Watershed season finale. I am now definitely getting this show on Blu-Ray. *****.
The Simpsons "Ned 'N Edna's Blend"
I really should loathe this episode. I HATE the Edna/Flanders pairing. But it won me over by the end of it.
Yeah, I know. Flanders and Krabappel have ZERO chemistry and even less in common. But this episode showed that when you think about it, Ned's fundamentalism could REALLY screw up Rod and Todd. That was the joke before, but this is the first episode to point it out and show that it WAS a serious issue. So even if I don't buy Nedna as a couple, I know she'll be good for him and his boys.
Chalmers said something absolutely hilarious. It's killing me that I can't remember what it was.
The Passion play wasn't funny. That was the point but you can't mine good jokes out of a potentially offensive idea (to both Christians AND Jews for very different reasons) since you have to tread VERY lightly to not completely turn the entire audience against you. So of course they went with Homer being so fat he broke the cross. Hardy, har har.
I have mixed feelings about the episode but in retrospect I think it COULD be good for the show. I don't think Edna will truly be able to find happiness in Ned's arms (I still think her heart belongs to Skinner) but the fact is he needs her common sense as much as Homer needs Marge's. Maybe even more. So I'll grade accordingly. ***1/2.
Bob's Burgers "Bad Tina"
Man, I was REALLY feeling bad for Tina. There is nothing worse than a psycho girlfriend and it can't be much fun if you're only platonic friends either.
I love Gene and Louise standing up for Tina. "Belchers from the womb to the tomb!"
Bob's "Cake" plot wasn't funny, then it WAS funny, then it was REALLY funny and then it really WASN'T funny and I got bored with it. Nine times. THAT'S how many times you hit Sideshow Bob with the rake. No more, no less. In comedy timing is everything.
I loved Tina's erotic friend fiction because it all involves her entire school (and some zombie classmates) touching each other's butts. I think that's REALLY cute that that's the dirtiest thing she can think of.
A good one. ***1/2.
Family Guy "Tea Peter"
This is the first time I have ever said this about Family Guy, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's the absolute last time I say it: the ending didn't need such a light touch. Oh, it WAS brilliant and funny but American viewers are VERY stupid and it wouldn't surprise me if certain conservative audience members didn't GET the joke. There are still Republicans who are dumb enough to think Stephen Colbert is one of them so you see the problem.
Which is strange because other than that this was the best Family Guy political outing ever. I know that's not saying much since Family Guy's political episodes tend to suck. They're basically Seth/Brian moaning "Der, Republicans are retarded" and then considering their moral made. This actually went to some lengths to show WHY the teabagger movement is so thoroughly corrupt and why it would never work in real life. It also showed how scary / violent some of the members were and they did THAT bit in a very subtle way for this show. Most of the worst stuff happened off-screen but it was implied more than once that behind the friendliness of the fairs and gatherings, these were some very scary and dark people.
And Brian wasn't insufferable and pretty much smartly let things play out so Peter and the town would learn the lessons on their own. I could learn to like a Brian written like this.
Great episode. ****1/2.
American Dad "Toy Whorey"
Those Mexican whorehouses were so repellent I almost barfed. I was SO lucky I wasn't eating anything or I most certainly would have. So I laughed instead. And the idea that the THIRD whorehouse (which we thankfully didn't actually see) was the worst of all puts some VERY scary images in my head.
"Oh, come on, Mexico!" ****.
The Cleveland Show "Mama Drama"
An Auntie Momma origin? Sold! I cannot believe how closely to continuity this actually went to the trouble to hew. Family Guy wouldn't have even bothered. It was a nice touch. And now Donna knows Auntie Momma's secret? It's a pity we didn't get to see her reaction. Hopefully we'll get it next season. Great episode. *****.
Grimm "Big Feet"
Interesting episode that really moved the mythology forward. Either Hank or Juliet or both are going to learn the truth next week. My guess is it's Juliet (the previews spoiled this) and she'll be killed off while Hank will find out in the cliffhanger. That's my bet.
Is there a slimier actor than Desperate Housewive's Roger Bart? Okay, maybe Boston Public's Joey Slotnick but it's a close contest.
Looking forward to the finale. ****.
Community "Curriculum Unavailable"
This was literally one of the craziest episodes the show has ever done and it didn't even involve anything really crazy happening on-screen. Just the concept was nuts. But yeah, if Greendale DIDN'T exist where did Annie get her backpack?
My favorite thing about the episode was the group realizing the Dean never expelled them because he loved them. I agreed with their rants last week but honestly, even though Greendale may suck as a college, Dean Pelton is the nicest and most sympathetic Dean ever. Of COURSE he would never kick the group out.
And stop making Troy realize things.
It looks like the series is gearing up for a confrontation with Chang and his Changlorious B*sterds. I can't believe we get THREE episodes next week (and the show has been renewed for 13 episodes next year!) and expect them to be glorious themselves. ****1/2.
30 Rock "The Return Of Avery Jessup"
I actually liked Jack's plot with Avery for once. I probably like it because even though Mary Steenburgen was discussed she never actually appeared. I think Avery's mind games were brilliant. I also loved Criss getting so mad at Liz making all of the money in their relationship. Bad things? Jenna, as usual. I honestly think the character has gotten too crazy and unlikable and has pretty much run her course. The fact is now that they have Hazel on the show they can tone down Jenna if they choose to. They would be smart to take this option.
One of the year's better episodes. ****.
The Office "Free Family Portrait Studio"
A MAJOR relief has been lifted off my shoulders. Not only have John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer and Ed Helms signed new contracts with NBC, but there wasn't much of a cliffhanger in the first place that would have killed the show had they not come back. I can still watch it this fall. But I'm thinking next season should be the last one.
Dwight needs to come back to wrap up his story though even if Rainn Wilson is busy on his spin-off. He should at least appear in the first episode if The Farm is picked up. I fear that they will say it ISN'T his baby if he leaves the show and I really want it to be.
Loved Daryll this episode. Honestly, it would've be considered jerkish behavior on his part but Val's boyfriend is such a control-freak and a total pr*** that it's not mean, it's satisfying.
And I'm glad the show decided NOT to redeem Robert California like they tried to with Micheal and Gabe. The look of disgust on Pam and everybody else's faces pretty much said it all. Good riddance.
Good to see David Wallace back but I'm REALLY disappointed he fell for Robert's act. That's what happens when you're out of the loop.
I didn't like Andy this episode. I like Andy when all of his crazy ideas work and not when he is portrayed as pathetic as Micheal. He was owning everybody with an owning stick last week so seeing him brought down to such a miserable level was depressing. Memo to writers: you DON'T have to make all of your characters losers. It's all right if we actually like some of them.
That said, Erin got the funniest line of the night when she pointed out to Andy that the rest of the office would have to live with some of the images Andy put into their heads when he became manager again (and wondering whether or not Andy was actually imagining David Wallace). Licking that sauce off his suit was the second saddest Andy moment ever (a distant second to him having to injure himself repeatedly to amuse DeAngelo Vickers and saying "So I guess this is my life now") and it was so bad because he did it on purpose. Andy. Don't make me dislike you. Please. Let's keep the memory of Micheal dead and buried.
I hope Oscar stays out of the Senator's pants for Angela's sake. It would be a MUCH too easy plot turn to put them together. Why shouldn't they? Because the Senator is a jerk.
Speaking of the Senator how cool was it to get Horned-Rimmed Glasses and Mohinder Suresh in the same episode? I would have liked to have seen them have a scene together though.
This episode could have been a disaster on the scale of the cliffhangers for Smallville: Season 7 and The X-Files: Season 9 but it wasn't. Thank you, producers and NBC. I don't have to hate you like I did Al Gough, Miles Millar, and Chris Carter. ****1/2.
Parks And Recreation "Win, Lose, Or Draw"
I'm liking that my shows that wound up on the bubble for the most part decided NOT to go with cliffhangers so they would have nice last episodes in case they weren't renewed. This would have made a great last episode for the series.
Andy as a cop is long overdue. Bonus, we could see Dave again!
Loved that Bobby Newport publicly said he was relieved he lost the election. Um, Bobby, you're not supposed to say that out loud.
Are Tom and Ann really back together? What's up with Chris? Will Leslie and Ben make it? We'll find out next year. Smart renewal, NBC. *****.