Also reviews for two episodes of Iron Man: Armored Adventures, this week's DC Nation shorts and the latest episodes of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Young Justice, ThunderCats, MAD, Once Upon A Time, Fringe, Grimm, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Bob's Burgers, Community, 30 Rock and Ringer
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Superman @ Tokyo: I like the babysitter, but the rest of it is just too bizarre to be funny. Why is his mother in love with him?!
Once Upon A Time: The Queen of Hearts is definitely a mystery, but I'm kind of hoping Regina already "took care" of Cora. I'm hoping we get more of young Snow because of how amazing that girl was.
Community: Yeah, McDonalds is grosser than Subway, but I did want to eat Mayor McCheese after seeing him act on 30 Rock.
Once Upon A Time: I think she already DID take care of Cora and Hat Trick proved it. Maybe QOH wears a veil because Regina did something SO bad, she permanently disfigured her. I'm trying to work out how they would reveal it's Cora if she was made-up in gross burn victim make-up but if they were able to do it for Captain Pike, it's not impossible.
Community: Ick.
Once Upon A Time: Yeah, Regina took care of Cora so her only vendetta left was against Snow. They could do a flashback showing what happened to Cora and the twist at the end would reveal she went off to become the QOH.
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