I have to confess I didn't find this episode quite as mind-blowing as the first part but that's probably because it spent the last ten minutes on an Epilogue with the Doctor's various Companions which while bittersweet was still much-needed.
So Rose ends up with the Doctor but the Doctor doesn't end up with Rose. I have to say I'm not quite sure I like that compromise. I wanted Rose to return, not just for her sake but for the Doctor's as well. The Doctor is probably right that the "new" Doctor needed Rose more than he did but dang I STILL think she and the original belong together and I'm not quite as placated as Russell T. Davies obviously hoped the fans would be.
I disliked Donna's "death" only because the show has done "deaths" like that before and while it was tragic that she'll never remember the Doctor it seemed like an easy way out without actually killing the character which would have hit me harder.
I love that the insane Dalek betrayed Davros and was on the Doctor's side all along. Great twist.
K-9! Has my geek cup runneth over?! BIG smiles when he appeared and it seemed to me this episode pulled out all the stops.
Mickey and Jackie! I loved how the Doctor condescendingly told Jackie she was not to touch anything on the Tardis. Cool that Mickey has come to live in our universe.
I LOVED Captain Jack getting killed just because I saw Rose's comical reaction to him being alive coming a mile away.
Martha and Sarah Jane BOTH had major pwnage scenes this episode. Good for them.
And may I just say I'm tickled to see Sarah Jane Smith flirt with Captain Jack? Just because she is the absolute hottest later-fifty-something year old on the planet and that's not really something that can be acknowledged on her own show.
I WILL give this episode credit for actually answering quite a few questions that the series has raised and for all of the build-up it revealed at upon second glance. Yes, Davros could have been built up better but I disgress. Usually this show confoundingly refuses to answer questions and for the most part they did things right this episode.
So, I didn't love it as much as last week but there were enough great things about it for me to give it ****1/2.