Lost "There's No Place Like Home": Parts 2 and 3 Review (Major Spoilers)

May 29, 2008 23:03

Locke? Seriously? Did NOT see that coming. I had convinced myself it was Micheal. I didn't for a second think he and Jin were dead. But upon closer inspection, with the island moved, even if Jin and Micheal HAD survived the explosion where could they go? How could they possibly make it back to the island? The thing that tells me they may have survived is Christian appearing before Micheal. I doubt he would have bothered doing that if there was no chance for survival.

I think I had figured out how Locke got off the island. He had to move it again and this time it was him who did the honors. The thing that busts a hole in that theory is that Ben told Jack to bring Locke's body back. Does this mean he got off some other way?

Good to see Walt again and I am especially gratified that they could use Malcolm David Kelly as is instead of peeking through windows. It was smart to move the final timeline of the flash-forward three years, if only to be able to be able to see Walt again on a regular basis. Will Walt have to return to the island?

As for Locke being dead, I have a feeling if they bring the body back to the island he'll be re-animated. Just because it's friggin' Locke and the main conflict of the show involves him versus Jack. You don't kill off the second most important character on the show two years before it ends. I think Locke WILL be Completely Dead instead of Mostly Dead (Heh, Princess Bride) by the end of the series but it's way too soon right now. And if he IS revived how are they going to handle the fact that his corpse was undoubtably riddled with embalming fluid?

I was flipping out when Jack was performing CPR on Desmond just because we hadn't seen him in any of the flash-forwards and I was sick with worry that they were going to kill him off. But they decided to reunite him with Penny. Happy ending? Not so fast. Remember Ben has pledged to KILL Penny so until Ben is dead I won't EVER be celebrating a happy ending between the two lovebirds.

Glad Lapidus was the guy on the frieghter who made it. I kept liking him more and more as the season progressed.

I think Sawyer made Kate promise to look after his daughter Clementine.

I think Claire is dead.

Will Ben insist on Walt and Desmond going back? Walt being a regular again would be okay but I kind of hope Desmond is bumped back to recurring status next year, just because it's harder to screw with a guy's happy ending if Ben has little or nothing to do with him. Ben contacting Des is just inviting the murder of Penelope Widmore.

Speaking of regular status will Ben be a regular next year if he isn't allowed to go back to the island? Are the flash-forwards completely done and the entire show will take place during that timeframe? Will the flashbacks come back next year? Are the Oceanic Six going to spend all of next year preparing to go back to the island or will only the first few episodes deal with that before they go back mid-season? Will Locke get a posthumous flashback a la Naomi? So many questions, only two seasons left to answer them.

I heard the producers tell us not to expect this season's level of excitement next year and that kind of worries me just because the only way that would happen is if they spent the ENTIRE season searching for the island. I wouldn't put it past the producers since they waited a YEAR to reveal who was in the casket after setting it up as a huge mystery last year. All I'm saying is I'd rather have a season and a half of island action left rather than have them return in next season's finale.

Excellent capper to an excellent season. Part 2: *****. Part 3: *****. Three Part Average: *****.

lost, tv reviews

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