"ThunderCats: Season Two, Volume One" Review (Spoilers)

Mar 03, 2008 06:57

Also reviews for the latest episodes of The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy and the last two episodes of TMNT.

The Simpsons "The Debarted"

I loved this episode. Lots of really funny gags building up to a hilarious ending. Bart's magnet prank was one of his best. Topher Grace was a good guest star as Bart's new friend who was a traitor. I love how Bart automatically went to Milhouse as the guy who betrayed him too.

It's also interesting that Nelson is one of Bart's best friends considering their history. His relationship with Bart seems to change episode to episode but I like when they are unconditional friends like in this episode and Bart on the Road.

This was a really good episode. ****1/2.

King of the Hill "The Accidental Terrorist"

God, the characters on this show are so stupid. I mean, really. When Hank is dumber than Peggy you KNOW this is a show full of idiots. I found the ending of the car dealer NOT pressing charges against Hank after his car lot was torched because he didn't need the publicity was unrealistic beyond belief. The fact is that Hank WAS an accessory to the crime since he master-minded going to the lot in the first place. And I'm pretty sure a lot full of cars cost more money than FIVE sticker prices. This episode was stupid. *1/2.

Family Guy "Play it Again, Brian"

Just because Peter does not deserve Lois doesn't mean Brian does.

This episode was seriously unpleasant to watch and in my opinion ruined Brian's character beyond redemption. The writer's have had a bad habit of making Brian seem pathetic since the show's return but here they go beyond the pale. I no longer like the character at all.

The episode had some laughs (The Spirit of Massachusetts) but I cannot get over how awful the characters were to each other. One of the low points of the series. *.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Demons and Dragons"

This was okay but I think I agree with Splinter that the Ninja Tribunal are all cold heart butt-turds. Mikey was a little bit annoying this ep to but the Demon Turtles and new super-powers were pretty cool. ***1/2.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "The Legend of the Five Dragons"

I smell a retcon!

The idea that the Turtles have never actually faced the REAL Oroku Saki and that the Shredder we knew was an imposter is both good and bad although the bad actually outweighs the good. The good thing is that the idea that Shredder was an Utrom was one of series' HUGE disappointments after fans were speculating that he was some kind of Immortal after he was beheaded by Leo in Return to New York. Now he IS an Immortal! Cool! The bad things are REALLY bad: This means that the REAL Shredder was not actually involved in Yoshi's death which will make his fight with the Turtles that much less personal. Also REALLY bad is the idea that Splinter knew this all along and never bothered to share it with the Turtles. I know the Turtles are used to not being in the loop in all things but after what happened in The Shredder Strikes Back in season one they all deserved the whole story. That the Turtles did NOT feel betrayed in this episode was a HUGE cop-out which is a hallmark of all of the most heinous retcons.

The episode itself however was really good. I liked seeing an entire episode that focused entirely on telling a STORY that the Turtles weren't actually a part of. Storytelling has always been a gift of this show's and the fact that they were able to get as many miles out of a flashback not involving the Turtles speaks well of the writers. I thought the Legend of the Five Dragons was a REALLY good story and the episode was a lot of fun to watch. ****.

Thundercats: Season Two, Volume One

In the mid-eighties there was a cartoon that I loved that was corny and kind of stupid but I was too young to realize it. I would watch ThunderCats every weekday Afternoon after school because I loved the wonky concepts and bizarre characters that made up this weird mix-up of science fiction and fantasy. The show had both aliens AND magic powers and that was what was so cool about.

I grew out of the show in 1987 when Disney's DuckTales debuted. I still LIKED the show but since I LOVED Disney cartoons and comics and the fact that it was on at the same time as my beloved 'Cats meant that I had to pick one or the other to watch and there was no contest. As a fickle youngster I preferred DuckTales and never looked back.

Until now. Outside of the five-parters ThunderCats Ho and Mumm-Ra Lives I had never actually seen any episodes from the second, third and fourth seasons. I think I saw ONE "new" episode but I don't remember much about it other than the fact that it featured a little girl and her doll (it must be on the next set). Outside of that and the first two movies I came to this particular set fresh and it was like watching new "lost" episodes I had never seen before.

How are they? I have to confess that I found the first half of the season a little bit too toy-centric. I noticed this when I was a kid and was disappointed then too. Basically one of the coolest things about the show back in the day was that it was a half-hour toy commercial that didn't actually FEEL like one. That was a RARITY in the eighties. But with the advent of the new vehicles and ThunderCats and the souped up Berserkers the second season actually felt like a commercial for the toys and it was rather shameless. It was little wonder I abandoned the show for DuckTales.

As the season wore on however they started getting back into the cool concepts and weird non-toy characters the show was famous for (see the delightfully malicious Lunatacs). We'll see if the next volume continues this trend but for now the show is still solid and even manages to poke fun at itself on a few occassions. There's a higher ratio of "miss" episodes than in season one but the show is not really worse because of the new characters and concepts. In fact, SOME of the new concepts (like the Treasure of Thundera and the Lunatacs and the best new character, the blind Lynx-O) really helped the show. I'm also glad Snarf's nephew Snarfer who is both adorable and annoying at the same time is given a bigger role after last season's Feliner two-parter. He and Snarf really help the show.

Mumm-Ra is powered up too so that's cool. I also appreciate that the show never STOPPED being a kids show and never killed off any of the characters. That always traumatized me as a kid when the Transformers did that but the old characters that I liked STAYED on the show along with the new. That's pretty cool.

All in all the first part of the second season was fun to watch since I had never seen most of it before. ThunderCats is a corny show with bad dialog but it really is fun to watch. That's good enough for me. Ho! Set overall: ***.

ThunderCats- Ho! The Movie: Part One: Sadly the second season of ThunderCats has gotten a WEE bit too toy-driven. I like the Berserkers as much as anybody but all of their moves are basically just ads for the toys. I also am really disappointed with the retcon to involve new ThunderCats. Maybe it couldn't be helped to advance the toyline, but it still rubs me the wrong way. Good things? Mumm-Ra's devotion and affection for the hilariously lame Mam-Mutt is both intriguing and creepy. ***1/2.

ThunderCats- Ho! The Movie: Part Two: The slowest moving of the five parts. I kept wondering what happened to the Berbils on Hammerhand's ship. Fortunately they got SOME closure later in the arc but not as much as I'd like. I liked seeing Captain Shiner again though. ***.

ThunderCats- Ho! The Movie: Part Three: Suprisingly nice animation and a really well-done cliffhanger add to make this the best of the five parts. ****1/2.

ThundeCats- Ho! The Movie: Part Four: I loved Snarf rescuing the Berbils and him and Turmagar attacking the Berserkers. The new Thunderans also got some cool scenes fighting Slithe and Jackalman. But seriously, is there a bigger tool than Hachiman? ***1/2.

ThunderCats- Ho! The Movie: Part Five: I thought it was great seeing Cheetara and Tygra punk Shiner and his crew. But this is the first time Mumm-Ra is in his Ever-Living form in five flippin' episodes? Major disappointment. I was also bummed that Hachiman and the Berbils didn't really get good closure ESPECIALLY the Berbils. Where will Ro-Ber-Bert and Bob live now that they've escaped from the island? I noticed the new Thunderans who spent years with them after they saved their lives could care less about them. Their brief appearance at the end answered nothing. I DID like seeing Jaga battle Grune the Destroyer again though. This was also the least toy-oriented of the five parts so it gets props for that too. ****. Five Part Average: ***1/2.

Mumm-Ra Lives!: Part 1: Good first part. I like the idea of villains so fearful the Mutants are scared of them. Good cliffhanger too. ****.

Mumm-Ra Lives!: Part 2: The Lunatacs are cool! I love that each of their powers complements and negates the ThunderCats special abilities. My favorite is the creepy Alluro. Good cliffhanger too. But has someone different done Ro-Ber Bill's voice? He sounds different. ****1/2.

Mumm-Ra Lives!: Part 3: Mumm-Ra has been lying low in the five parter that's supposedly about him so the cliffhanger where he reveals the Ancient Spirits of Evil will either revive him or destroy him was pretty cool. Snarfer is funny too. ****.

Mumm-Ra Lives!: Part 4: This episode is basically just Snarfer running around for 22 minutes but it has quite a few cute and funny scenes. I love that the Snarfs are resistant to most forms of mind control and I love how Alluro got punked. ****.

Mumm-Ra Lives!: Part 5: Ma-Mutt is actually creepy here and Mumm-Ra's lame reflection weakness is overcome in the solid conclusion to the five parter. I want to know how the Talisman got in Mumm-Ra's pyramid and whether or not the ThunderCats will be using it again. Is it connected the Mumm-Rana? Hmmm. Bad parts? Lion-O laying down the Sword of Omens in enemy territory is stupid even by Lion-O standards (I actually groaned at this when I was just a kid) but at least the Sword of Omens didn't put everything right for once (even if the Talisman IS still a deus ex machina). I was also bummed that the Mutants didn't show up and that we didn't get closure with either the slaves or the Thundrillium problem. Still, the episode was great. *****. Five Part Average: ****.

Catfight: Lame. This was a "Secret Society" style episode in which Mumm-Ra tried to turn the ThunderCats against each other. But instead of fostering internal strife and playing off the 'Cats fears and insecurities he simply impersonated Jaga and said the new ThunderCats were traitors. In any other show this would have been a great concept but it was SO clumsily handled here. *.

Psych Out!: This was decent. I like how it gave Snarf another shot at playing hero and this time he earns it. But I saw the Talisman already being destroyed or gone coming a mile away and the moral and lesson is sappy and is the kind of thing that's been parodied to death, much less done to death. ***.

The Mask of Gorgon: I loved this. I'm not too crazy about the new ThunderCats but Lynx-O is the exception. He's one cool cucumber so seeing him go insane at the beginning of the episode really raised the stakes. I also liked seeing the Treetop Kingdom again and was afraid they were going to abandon it with all of these crazy, new characters. I've said earlier I've never really seen the second season of the show and I hope that they managed to build on the mythology they've created in episodes like this by the end of the series. But since it's an eighties show I doubt it. But this was cool none-the-less. ****1/2.

The Mad Bubbler: It's interesting that the Snarfs are the only species in the universe incapable of evil. They seem to be resistant to most forms of mind control too so that comes in handy as well. A good outing, I think. ****.

Together We Stand: Mumm-Ra's plans would stand a better chance of succeeding if he coordinated them better. Him always expecting the Lunatacs and the Berserkers to handle everything themselves without being aware of the other faction is problematic. The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. **1/2.

Ravage Island: Cool episode title, only passable episode. At least this actually used the Mutants again who seem to have been pushed aside this season in favor of the Lunatacs. Lynx-O kicked butt as usual too. **1/2.

Time Switch: Corny episode about Lion-O getting younger and younger. It's not without it's charms but as a brat Lion-O is even more annoying than usual. Some cute scenes though. ***.

The Sound Stones: The animation in this episode was really cartoony for some reason and as a result in a LOT of shots Vultureman had the expressions and mannerisms of Daffy Duck. The downside: Once the Thundercats enter the picture the episode starts getting boring leading to a weak ending. ***1/2.

Day of the Eclipse: I usually complain about the Swords of Omens being a MacGuffin but I think in this episode it's being used to counter the Eclipse was fine. Only beef was that it put EVERYTHING right instead of just breaking the spell. THAT I can't get behind. Led to a funny one-liner from Lion-O about remembering to thank Mumm-Ra when they saw him again though. ***1/2.

Sideswipe: I have to admit I was tickled seeing Mandora writing a ticket to Chilla. I was bizarre to see something so Seinfeldian on this show. Hilarious. I'm also surprised that Mexican food exists on Third Earth (Ro-Ber Roberto! Ha!). Lynx-O had some major ownage scenes too. ****.

Mumm-Rana's Belt: I had been looking forward to this one. The episode didn't really answer any questions about Mumm-Rana's connection to Mumm-Ra but at least we now know that she's been around on Third Earth for a while. The Snarfs really seem to know their folk tales, don't they? I loved the Hobbit style ending. And it was wild seeing the Mutants playing poker. The bad? The Sword of Omens dues ex machina at the end was particularly egregious. Still, ****.

Hachiman's Honor: Hmmm. At least they finally addressed the fact that Luna is SUCH an ineffective leader of the Lunatacs. Slithe gets away with his incompetance because he's STILL the most cunning Mutant by far but ALL of the Lunatacs are either powerful or really smart or both with the exception of Luna. It was good seeing Hachinman again too and finally in an episode where he isn't a complete tool. Those chain monsters were pretty cool too. ***1/2.

Runaways: This episode was only okay but I really enjoyed it because it just feautured the original ThunderCats so it was like a new season one episode. Yeah, Ma-Mutt and the Hovercat were featured but it was still pretty old-school. The ThunderKittens new friend was cute too. ***.

Hair of the Dog: This episode was hilarious. At this point in the series I'm thinking the writers are starting to have a little fun at their own expense. How else to explain the fact that Mumm-Ra has a doggie bowl for Ma-Mutt and Snarf is able to transform into Snarf-Ra the Ever-Living? Aside from the implausability of a creature with no evil in it like Snarf being able to harness the Ancient Spirits of Evil I love the hint that the Spirits LIKE causing trouble, even at Mumm-Ra's expense. Mumm-Ra was right to be infuriated with this trick. It was a total joke and it made him look tacky that anyone could do it. I think the writers probably were falling all over themselves with laughter writing this one. *****.

Vultureman's Revenge: I loved the Mutants petty bickering (Slithe needs "munchies") but the episode quickly devolves into a long fight scene at the end. If the show was BETTER than it is at fight scenes I might not complain but the climax was only passable. ***1/2.

ThunderCubs: Part 1: I liked how this episode opened up the mythology of the show quite a bit. Ratilla the Hun was great. I wonder what his connection (if any) to Ratar-O is? The cliffhanger wasn't very exciting though. ****.

ThunderCubs: Part 2: MUCH better cliffhanger here but a little too much stuff with the Mutants and getting off the planet. The more exciting episodes are to come. ***1/2.

ThunderCubs: Part 3: I love that the Snarfs and the ThunderCats agendas are different and that it puts them in conflict with each other. Things devolve VERY quickly at the end and put everybody in a bad spot. Neat. And did Mumm-Ra just call himself the Ancient Spirits' Venomous boot-licker? Hilarious. *****.

ThunderCubs: Part 4: Oooh, the ThunderCubs are CUTE (especially Baby Snarf and Snarfer). I also liked the Lunatacs capturing the 'Cats left on Third Earth. And Ma-Mutt is turning into a genuine threat. ****1/2.

ThunderCubs: Part 5: Outstanding finale. There were SO many things up in the air (the captured ThunderCats, the enslaved Snarfs, Mumm-Ra possessing the Book of Omens, the ThunderCubs) that I'm shocked that they managed to resolve them all by the end of the episode. But the best part is that the Sword of Omens didn't set everything right. Apparantly Mumm-Ra is Egyptian. We had suspected as much but Snarf confirmed it (although it raises issues about his memory as a cub). I also loved Snarf insisting he and Lion-O save Ma-Mutt. Seeing him under Lion-O's spell was worth the price of admission. The best part was the beefed up Mumm-Ra though. I enjoyed his fight with Lion-O. Great finale, all things considered. *****. Five Part Average: ****1/2.

Totem of Dera: This was pretty good. I liked all of the monsters and the animation was nice. Snarfer was even cuter than usual too. ***1/2.

The Chain of Loyalty: I HATED this episode. It basically retconned the ThunderCats into a group of brutes whose friendship is only held together by a magic necklace. I couldn't believe the writers were actually this stupid and didn't realize how bad this made the 'Cats look. Even worse there was no explaination for why Lion-O was not effected when the chain broke. Ugh. *.

Crystal Canyon: As a drug allegory this episode falls flat because Tygra never actually has to come to a realization that the crystal is destroying him. While the writers USUALLY manage to make ultra cop-out endings with the Sword of Omens this one was completely unearned and undermined ANY positive message the episode tried to put forth. You can't just say a magic word and free people from addiction. That's part of what's so horrible about it. *1/2.

Telepathy Beam: I liked this. We've never seen Cheetara so bad off so the end where she gain additional powers is particularly satisfying. A good 'un. ***1/2.

king of the hill, justice league, looney tunes, teenage mutant ninja turtles, ducktales, family guy, the simpsons, disney comics, the hobbit, thundercats, transformers, disney

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