Lost "Confirmed Dead"
Not as good as last week but that was only because it was a flashback instead of a flash-forward. The best stuff was with Locke and his group and him finding that lady and holding her hostage. The Ben stuff was great too. I look forward to hearing the explanation of what he was doing off the island and why those four are looking for him. Them looking for him explains why he was so afraid of them coming for everybody else. He might have been lying when he said they were coming to harm them.
I also had a different theory about last week about how Naomi wasn't healed by the island. What if the reason she wasn't healed wasn't because she was "bad" and trying the hurt the other survivors but because she was going to rescue them? Does the island REALLY want them to leave?
I loved Sayid's big grin at seeing the helicopter. Seriously. The dude needs to smile more. Naveen Andrews is a handsome fella.
I loved the ghostbusting stuff with the guy called Miles. I want to know what he's doing with that group but I love how much of a butthole he is. We also saw the stranger who met with Hurley last week. I want to know what his connection is to the island and what group he represents.
I wonder if and when we are going to see Mark Alpert again. I know Nestor Carbonell is busy with a different show but he was one of the few known Others who survived last season's slaughter. There were other Others who survived because there were a lot of them and I want to know what happened to them too.
I love how everybody in Locke's group was giving each other looks when they realized how crazy he was with each passing minute. I loved the "taller Walt" reference and was glad they didn't just overlook the fact that Malcolm David Kelly has grown up. I think Locke and Ben were both astonished that Hurley knew where Jacob's Cabin was better than they did. Hurley, to his credit, had enough sense to see that something was wrong with Locke and backtrack completely.
A good episode. The new people were interesting instead of Niki and Paulo boring but I'm much more interested in who else is a member of the Oceanic Six. Flashbacks are going to be a disappointment from now on with Flash-forwards now in the mix. ****.