"Bless The Harts" Series Catch-Up Review (Spoilers)

Oct 16, 2020 08:01

Also a review for the season premiere of Star Trek: Discovery.

Bless The Harts "Hugs N' Bugs"

Promised an online friend I'd give this another shot. I hated the first episode back when it aired, so I didn't bother reviewing it. Might as well review it now. Especially since my opinion is a bit softer now.

I think Jenny and Betty are annoying characters, and the tertiary characters are awful too. These are the precise types of characters which are why I wound up loathing King Of The Hill unreservedly. But I have to admit I missed great something the first time out.

Violet is amazing. Wayne's efforts to win her over are quite endearing, and I like both characters because of that. The talking Jesus gimmick does nothing for me, but seeing Violet's struggle as an artist in a bedroom that isn't even fully hers, was something I really responded to. If the show focuses more on her, I might learn to like it. **1/2.

Bless The Harts "Can't Get There From Here"

The stripper jokes were super gross. And this is from someone who watches Family Guy every week. They turned my stomach.

I liked a couple of things. I loved the clubs patrons' running critique of the unlikelihood of the plot of the movie Flashdance. I also like that Violet really liked the ostriches upon seeing them.

But those stripper jokes were really tough to take. Ick. *1/2.

Bless The Harts "Jenny Unfiltered"

Wow, Greenpoint sucks. And Randy is annoying beyond belief.

There was one joke I liked. I liked that when the guy pointed out you can't show cartoon characters smoking on TV, the scene cut out right before the cigarette touched his lips. Very meta observation of the current Fox censors right there.

Still not sold on the show. But I'll keep going. **.

Bless The Harts "Cremains Of The Day"

That was actually not bad, but I find the character designs increasingly ugly and hard to take. And the Brendas destroying the camp made me scowl.

But I liked the stuff with the ghosts and Jenny saying goodbye to her father. I especially like that Violet is smart enough to see what is going on at the end when her parents aren't. ***.

Bless The Harts "Trash Twins"

I think most of the characters on this show besides Violet are trashy.

Megolomart? Does this show take place in the same Universe as King of the Hill?

Unsweetened tea DOES taste like dirty water. I don't understand anyone who likes it.

I have always been fascinated by the idea that it's possible to have an aunt or uncle much younger than yourself. It was funny seeing it in practice.

I like the way Maya Rudolph screams / sings, "In somebody's blood!"

I actually didn't like the ending or the fact that Violet approved of it. It made me think less of Violet.

But the rest of the episode was all right. ***.

Bless The Harts "Pig Trouble In Little Greenpoint"

I enjoyed most of that, but the series doesn't seem to be able to end an episode well. I mean like the last episode, Violet takes an admirable stand about something. And then the producers buy it back for no reason whatsoever. Taking a contrary and unpopular stand isn't something that needs to either be changed or resolved. I would like the show more if they allowed Violet to keep her own perspectives instead of comforting the audience with the idea that she's learned some of kind of lesson.

Chip's character design is totally gross.

I'll tell you what I love, and it was the first thing in the show I HAVE loved: Jesus' description of a "Jericho sleighride". That made me genuinely bust a gut. I sincerely hope the show continues to develop its humor and get funnier as it goes along. Because that was an outright great joke.

It seems I will be giving this episode a higher grade than any of the previous ones. But on some level I'm still not happy with it. ***1/2.

Bless The Harts "Myrtle Beach Memoirs"

I loved it. I love Jenny winning the mini-golf tournament, and Violet expressing disgust there was sexism involved in a "sport" that keeps score using toddler pencils.

I also laughed at Wayne and Betty getting out of the timeshare contract by pointing out there were turds in the pool.

Jesus telling Jenny nobody likes a martyr was also a great line.

My favorite episode so far. ****.

Bless The Harts "Mego-Lo Memories"

I really love Wayne's relationship with Violet. He's such a good guy, and encourages her art from the start, and understands it enough to identify her mom from it. I love those two. I don't actually like too much of the show, but I love how much Wayne cares about Violet, and how much she appreciates it. And he kept the picture the entire time. On some level I think the background characters on this show are far worse and more obnoxious than the minor characters on King Of The Hill. But King Of The Hill literally had NO likable characters. At least this show has Wayne and Violet.

For the record, I hate Black Friday. That is the one day of the year I am sure to stay indoors. I don't understand how anyone could possibly enjoy or look forward to it.

I feel like the show has a nasty streak with the trashiness of the characters that perhaps King Of The Hill doesn't. But I feel a bit more rewarded watching it because of the couple of characters I DO care about. ****.

Bless The Harts "Miracle On Culpepper Slims Boulevard"


I like that the episode ends on Violet saying "I love you, guys." I like that she's the person in the family who says it.

The show thinks it's making fun of the stupidity of Southern weathercasters. In reality, all weathercasters, from across the country, no matter the region, are exactly that stupid where snow and storms are concerned. About as helpful in practical matters as well. This is as true of areas of the country that get a ton of snow every year. The show taking a shot at the South for not "understanding" snow is not being honest about how local news covers it in snowy regions.

I found Leslie by turns creepy and weirdly sympathetic. Either way, Daniel is the worst.

That actor played by Chris Parnell was so annoying. I like Wayne so I didn't like seeing him manipulated by him. Hopefully we don't see him again.

Violet's violent turn in the little village was fun, and I like that she really enjoyed the Frosty figurine as her gift.

Pretty good. But idiotic local news broadcasts are not a mere Southern problem. ****.

Bless The Harts "Tying The Not"

I have something to declare: That was probably the best and most memorable marriage proposal I have ever seen on television. I'm not joking. That rocked.

I love Violet's vows. SO sweet.

For the record "Love Shack" is one of the most fun songs to sing along to. "Tin roof... rusted" doesn't actually mean anything, but if you aren't having a blast shouting it, I'll be shocked.

The weak link of the episode was (per usual) Betty's stuff. The idea that people could make up crimes to meet Robert Stack is not a pleasant or comforting thought at all. I didn't need it put into my head. My brain is worse for the suggestion.

But I liked the rest. ****.

Bless The Harts "Violet's Secret"

The adult diaper thing in the straw trash pretty much shows that Betty is a garbage person. Full stop.

Jenny is spot-on as to why Violet is not going to make the same mistakes she and Betty did: She's smarter than the both of them. And proves it by every dumb thing Jenny and Betty did.

If there is one thing I hate parents doing, it's projecting their own faults and hang-ups on their kids. And I get why Violet wanted something that was just hers based on how dumb her mother is. **1/2.

Bless The Harts "The Last Supper"

Jenny was right the first time. Everybody in that town is a butt. She shouldn't have apologized.

I liked Violet snarkily asking if there were Oscar nominations for pitching a commercial.

Ugh. Ian David Cole. Hoped we had seen the last of him.

Kind of annoying. **1/2.

Bless The Harts "My Best Frenda"

I don't feel the central conflict of the episode worked at all. Because Brenda is horrible and a bad influence, and I think Jenny ditching her is a good thing. Plus as vacuous and stupid as those snobby women were, they were somehow less horrible than the other women we've met so far on the series. I don't consider it a victory Jenny went back to slumming with terrible people.

I like that they are turning MaryKay Bueller softly saying "Speak into the top part" into a running gag.

I though Violet's reaction to Wayne "Playing it out" in his head was pretty funny. She looked legitimately disturbed. I also thought it was funny when she told Betty that was the outfit she hope she haunted her in.

Individual parts were funny, but the premise wasn't a message I agreed with. ***.

Star Trek: Discovery "That Hope Is You, Part 1"

I am all in for this season. I never expected another Star Trek season to get me as excited as the first season of Picard did so soon after that. But this is going to be awesome.

I will make this review briefer than I want it to be because I imagine I will be talking about this all day otherwise. And nobody wants that. I'll get to the episode's major themes and try and call it a day.

One of the biggest challenges of a season set a thousand years in the future is that the writers of this episode, (and the first episodes of this season), will be given an amazingly hard task: To come up with science fiction technology that seems as magical to Burnham, as the original Star Trek tech did to us back in the 1960's and 1980's. And I think they did a PRETTY good job of that. And it probably cost a fortune to do in visual effects. I expect this to be the most expensive Star Trek season of all time for that reason. The future is wonderful and horrible beyond all recognition.

I love that the Starfleet guy in the suit basically got up and went to work every day for 40 years waiting for Michael Burnham, or somebody just like her, to show up. I like that very much. And the bird clock is awesome. I want one of those. Now.

One of the aliens chasing Book and Burnham is clearly a Lurien, which is the species Morn from Deep Space Nine was. If they really wanted to geek me out they would have given him lines.

I don't like the new design of the Andorians, although it's not as egregiously bad as the Klingons were in the first two seasons. Speaking of which, if and when the Klingons show up I hope they look normal again now that Paramount is back with CBS, and there are no longer licensing issues with the designs. Those monster designs and wrong costumes were the things I hated most about Discovery's first two seasons. The Andorians being different concerns me a little bit, but the Next Gen era of producers souped up the Borg in First Contact and Voyager too, so that's not a completely unprecedented turn of events. We get some "right-looking" Klingons this year, and I'll forgive it entirely.

I'm gonna sign off this review early, because I will yak your ear off all day otherwise. Suffice it to say I loved it. *****.

star trek: discovery, bless the harts, tv reviews

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