Swamp Thing "The Anatomy Lesson"

Jul 27, 2019 07:04

Also reviews for the latest episodes of Krypton, DC Super Hero Girls, DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts, iZombie, and Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., the first two Lego Marvel Spider-Man: Vexed By Venom Shorts, and the latest episodes of DuckTales Shorts, 101 Dalmation Street Shorts, and Muppet Babies Play Date.

Swamp Thing "The Anatomy Lesson"

Easy prediction: Next week is going to break my heart. That episode was amazing, shocking, horrifying, and tragic, and the exact opposite of the kinds of episodes that precede satisfying finales. This is a killer, unsolvable cliffhanger waiting to happen. And unlike many deluded fans, I know this show doesn't actually have a prayer. It's too expensive. You can see it on the screen. Any service that picked it up would be losing money hand over fist. Especially, because unlike DC Universe, they'd actually have to pay licensing fees to Warner Bros on top of everything else. Next week is it. And I suspect we're screwed. If ONLY this show sucked. If only.

I question the logic of the Phantom Stranger having Daniel save Abby and her friend's life by murdering 10 soldiers. But what it tells me is that whatever else Abby is, she's important. She's a piece on the cosmic chessboard that cannot be sacrificed, especially for some security guards of questionable morals and honor. On paper, that massacre doesn't add up in karma points. Which tells me the Phantom Stranger is playing for higher stakes. And he's cast his entire lot with the Blue Devil and Abby Arcane. I wish I could see how it would have played out. If only.

I am less disturbed at what Avery did to Maria, and more disturbed that he did it so effortlessly. He did not put any thought or planning into taking his wife down the way he did, and he did it without breaking a sweat. Whatever else Avery is, I think he's a real threat to Alec, or the creature whose mind use to be Alec's.

I hate Jason Woodrue. When his wife says it wasn't Woodrue on the table, and it was a monster, I knew we were in for a horrorshow. Because I knew the entire episode and the show in general would be invested in proving her wrong about BOTH things. I cannot imagine the lack of empathy and human decency that allows a person to dissect a sentient being while he begs you to stop. And he's telling him he isn't human in the process? Geez, this guy sucks.

And Abby's right. He shouldn't be leaving his wife alone in that huge house with nobody else to look after her, and keep her from hurting herself. If Woodrue considers his wife is most valuable possession (and I'm think that's all she is to him) than you'd figure he'd take better care of her.

Speaking of d-bags, no sympathy for Matty. He's not just a drunk driver. He's a drunk driving cop. He totally sucks.

That was great. TOO great. I'm going to scream in frustration next week. *****.

Krpyton "Zods And Monsters"

No wonder Doomsday is always so angry.

It interests me that a thousand years ago the Els were the sociopaths, and the Zods were the ones with a conscience. I don't think less of Els for this revelation. Instead I think a great deal more of the show. As far as lineage and nature vs nurture go, that is this show definitively proving that everybody made their own freaking decisions. It's not because they came from a bad gene pool. Any evil done by a current character is done solely because that character chose to do it. I gotta say, I wish both Smallville and Supergirl were smart enough to treat the Luthors this way. Lex and Lena do not have to be inevitable. And it bothers me that both of those shows always give b.s. reasons to say they are. Blood has nothing to with it. It's choice. And that's all it ever boils down to. Could we have the producers of this show in charge of The Arrowverse? We'd all be better off.

The naming of Jor-El was a huge moment for the audience, but his kidnapping is great because the audience knows it's not the end of the story. And even if the timeline has been corrupted by Brainiac and Zod, I don't think Jor-El being Brainiac's trophy is going to be a long-term thing.

Although the timeline confuses me. Jor-El was 150 years old when he died? Seriously? Them Krypton boys eat their Wheaties.

I love Kem's story about the guy pooing out his own skeleton. The show really has done a great job with the comic relief by pairing up Kem and Adam. Who knows? At some point Van might recognize sarcasm with those two around.

The fact that no Kryptonians present seem shocked or appalled at Zod's call for conquest is another thing to show that Krypton is a pit. It exploding was the best thing that ever happened to it.

That episode put forth all of the right messages, and asked all of the right questions. I'm thinking this is the best DC show on the air. ****1/2.

DC Super Hero Girls "Illusions Of Grandeur"

So-so. Zatanna has been getting short shrift on this series, and I still don't feel like I don't know her any better after this.

I like the idea of a Gremlins tribute, but am a little disappointed they don't look more like the ones from the movies. WB DOES own the rights to that, after all.

I like that the show has the idea that street magic is a scam. I think there is undeniably something appealing about being able to see a magic trick performed up close, but they are never as good as the ones on-stage because you are afforded that view. I consider Criss Angel and David Blaine the kinds of magicians who perform mere "parlor tricks".

I'm also having a hard time believing nobody was impressed with Zatanna's magic. I, as an adult, know that ALL magic is actually fake. People don't go to magic shows because they believe what they are seeing. It's because they don't understand HOW they are seeing what they are seeing. And if Zatanna IS performing impressive real magic like that, everybody should be impressed, even if they don't believe it. I enjoyed the last Avengers film, and I don't recall anyone standing up and screaming at the screen Annie Wilkes-style "Fake! Fake!" when Iron Man flew across it. The visuals and ambiguity of magic are the appeal, not the reality. And it's weird that this show actually thinks magic is tricking people. It's not. I enjoy it under the understanding that I don't know how it works, or at least I did before "Breaking The Magician's Code". And that series of specials was so long ago I actually forget how all of the tricks worked, and would probably be impressed all over again.

This was all right, but I didn't get a better feel for Zatanna. She is still the most ill-defined character of the main cast. What's troubling is that all of the rest of the girls have big, easy to identify personalities. Is Zatanna a spoiled snobby princess? A cheery popular girl? A lonely outcast? A mischievous scamp? I'm still not sure, and that's probably why I can't fully recommend the episode. **1/2.

DC Super Hero Girls "Beasts In Show"

Bathound is better than Superdog. Ace does all of the impressive things he does deliberately. All of Krypto's impressive feats seem to be total accidents.

Speaking of which, one of the biggest ADL questions I have with Superman is how he goes to the bathroom every day without breaking the toilet. Here, the acid on the fire hydrant just raises even more questions.

I love that Harley's hyenas are named Lucy and Ethel in this continuity. That's just perfect. And if you crossly point out that it's plausible Batman: The Animated Series' Harley has heard of Abbot and Costello, while it's unrealistic teenage Harley could have heard about I Love Lucy, well, shut up, that's why!

Great episode. I want a baby-delivering dog like Ace. ****1/2.

DC Super Hero Girls "Gotham Con"

First things first. I am about to do a huge gripe sesh. But I want to put it out there up-front before I do that I absolutely loved the episode. It was my favorite one so far. I'm giving it five stars. I'll stipulate that up front.

It was a great episode for the show and fans of Harley Quinn in general.

But it was a terrible, terrible episode for DC Comics.

I am officially concerned. Robin is clearly a worse person than Harley Quinn. That is alarming. Maybe I'd accept this show making him a punchline, a jerk, and a total loser if practically every other current project using Dick Grayson does not depict him as a sociopath. We tolerate Teen Titans Go! Robin because it's a comedy. But the fact that Dick Grayson is an irredeemable psychopath on the live-action Titans is an even BIGGER tragedy when you realize DC has no really big projects to the promote the character right. Yeah, the one in the animated movies is all right, but I don't think he'll ever get the exposure he does in these cartoons, and probably Titans. DC spent decades carefully building up Dick Grayson as a credible hero after Burt Ward making him the butt of every Batman joke. The guys want to be like him and the girls want to be with him. I hate superhero comics, but even I will concede DC did all right in the "redeeming Robin" department. Batman: The Animated Series, The Batman, and Teen Titans also had very cool interpretations of the character for audiences of those generations.

Before you "But... but... Young Justice!" at me, have we even SEEN much of Dick this season? And the few times we HAVE seen him, he's been involved in sucky things. No help coming from that corner.

And it's like DC is burning all of that cred and goodwill up in smoke like it's going out of style. I do not get the thought process here. Alone this episode is great, and I love every inch of it. But taken as a whole as to how Dick Grayson is currently represented to the public, it's a real problem. This show does not occur in a DC Comics vacuum. Maybe the producers didn't see something as damaging and horrible as Titans coming along (who possibly could?) but that doesn't change the franchise's problem. It just makes it even more noticeable.

For the record, that music montage of Babs and Harley frolicking through the sewer pit that is Gotham City was a fabulous satire of The Partridge Family and the like. Spot-on.

As I said, I'm giving this episode my highest grade and calling it a show well done. But DC Comics has much larger problems because Robin sucking isn't as subversive or unusual as it should be. This isn't even the worst Robin, which is something that chills me to my bones. Great ep, though. *****.

DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts "Cruz Control"

I wish my school picture days were like that. I especially like the joke that the camera caught Jessica beaming at it. ****.

iZombie "Bye, Zombies"

That was kind of awesome.

Interestingly, the last season of iZombie hasn't really felt like a final wrap-up season. Until tonight. This was the exact sensibility of a penultimate episode. Next week is going to be amazing. I am SO glad the series grew the beard back after the shark jump of seasons three and four. Relieved in fact. The first two seasons of the show were dynamite, and I'm glad the series is actually going to go out on top.

This is kitchen sink storytelling. Either Blaine wins and kills Peyton, or he dies, or spends the rest of his life in prison. There is not fourth option for that scenario. Major either gets the Max Rager or the heroes lose. Ravi either fast tracks the cure, or everyone in Seattle dies. It's all to poo all at once, and I loved every minute of it.

I don't spend much time rooting for the deaths of characters, but I hope Dolly's is a particularly slow and painful one. I want to have a few minutes before she dies of her understanding EXACTLY what she did. I want to see that shrew groveling for her life. Enzo is a monster and is worse than Chase. But I also shed no tears for the humans he killed and zombified on camera. None.

Enzo has definitely stopped being played for laughs. So has Blaine for that matter. Donnie has been showing a spark of conscience all season. I wonder how that is going to play out next week considering what Blaine has done. I'm still convinced Blaine killed D'arcy. It is just too convenient she died when she did.

Love Liv messing with the woman Clive had to flirt with. That was awesome. The climax was so great, because it makes perfect sense to lure the actual guy down there to unlock it himself. The only problem I had with Ravi's zombie rager in that moment is that it was wasting time they needed to escape. But they seemed to have gotten out of there okay.

Prediction: If Major is cured and survives next week, he becomes Seattle's next mayor. He's on the right side of every issue, and trying to help EVERYONE in this sucky situation, when everyone else chose a side. He has a future in politics, whether Seattle appreciates him currently or not.

Oh, man. Next week is gonna be epic. *****.

Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. "From The Ashes"

Very favorable impression this week. I liked that a lot.

What I especially like is that I could sense a theme running throughout the episode: None of the characters know what they are doing. When May asks Daisy if she's sure about Sarge at the end and she says "Not even a little bit", that summed the entire episode up. I personally think Yoyo being tricked by Izel as Mack was NOT something a superspy in a world with superpowers should ever be falling for, but other than that, I found the heroes' frustration in not knowing what to do to stop Izel, how to talk to Sarge, and how to do both of those things in an ethical manner fascinating.

The sonic disruption idea is the closest thing the heroes got to a right answer in the episode. Every other solution was two steps forward, one step back.

Daisy doesn't like "Skye" anymore. But she tolerates it from Coulson. And that's the moment everything with Sarge has changed. Or has it? You do not take a huge shuddering breath once you leave a room with someone who you consider nothing to you. I don't think Daisy is so much trying to kid Sarge as she trying to kid herself.

And if May is right about the soft touch, is Daisy right about the hard one? It seems they needed a little bit of both, which adds to the moral ambiguity. May is the carrot. Daisy's the stick. Until she's Skye. Then everything is different, (and hopefully for the better.)

Izel's mental torture of Benson made me very unhappy. To be blunt, it actually makes sense for her to do that. She wants information, she can get it this way. Like it or not, if a person DOES have accurate information, torture WILL get it out of them. And she knew for a fact he could deliver. That's not why I'm upset.

It's just, does she have to enjoy it so dang much? Would part of her regretting the steps she has to take to achieve her goal have killed her, or the show? That is a very dark and personal situation filled with shame built into the memory. I am upset she loves doing it. Granted it makes her fun to root against. But it also makes her a chore to spend any time with. Not the great idea for a season's Big Bad. Not at all.

The Chronomicons going bad at the end is a complication we don't need. I suspect Ennoch will be the one to clean up this particular mess (and he should) but for such a smart species, outside of Ennoch himself, they are all a bunch of turds. I also suspect they will be the Big Bads of Season Seven, and our version of Fringe's Observageddon.

I think I am going to love the finale, which will be the first time that's true. And this will probably wind up the first season I enjoyed since the first, and it will probably wind up better because it didn't fall apart halfway through. I am a very happy camper this week.

Anybody out there who thinks I am too negative in my reviews, and never give credit where it is due, look here. That was a great week. ****1/2.

LEGO Marvel Spider-Man: Vexed By Venom "Motorcycles And Mochachinos"

So Roxxon is a thing.

The first short was interesting. ****.

LEGO Marvel Spider-Man: Vexed By Venom "Spidey's Dream Lab"

I like the Spidey LEGO doll.

Does Gwen have pink hair now in the comics? I remember she had that in Spiderverse too.

Good cartoon. ***1/2.

DuckTales "Webby's Top Disguises"

"St. Canardian Guardian". That's brilliant. It's amazing Tad Stones never used that. ****.

101 Dalmation Street "Craving For New Episodes"

Hot enough to fry a dog on the sidewalk. ***1/2.

Muppet Babies Play Date "Games With Potato"

Live-action Potato! Puppet Gonzo is so cute.

How does Potato stand on his side for so long? Methinks they glued it to the table. ****1/2.

dc super hero girls (2019), marvels agents of shield, 101 dalmation street, ducktales (2017), tv reviews, lego marvel spider-man vexed by venom, swamp thing, izombie, muppet babies (2018), krypton

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