Reviews for the season premiere of Lost and the next two eps of BSG.
Lost "A Tale of Two Cities"
I wasn't wowed by the premiere. I liked the opening teaser a lot and thought it was a great callback to the premiere of season two but I REALLY don't like the Others and I find their cruelty to not be funny but really sad. I know the episode was SUPPOSED to be creepy but if this is the direction the rest of the season is going in I will not enjoy this season very much.
On the other hand Jack's flashback was REALLY interesting which is a surprise since almost ALL of his flashbacks have been boring. I think it would have been shocking if they HAD actually gone with Jack's father being his wife's new boyfriend but I liked the way the episode tied into the end.
I felt really bad for Sawyer this episode but not as bad as I felt for Kate. Henry or "Ben" is a creep. I'm really worried about these three now.
I really hope they either escape from the Ohters soon or we at least get a reasonable explaination for who the Others are and why they kidnapped them. This was a very frustrating episode. ***1/2.
Battlestar Galactica "Litmus"
I LOVED this episode and it was my favorite one so far. I LOVE the paranoia that was running through it. I LOVED Adoma at the end having the Tribunal lady taken into custody. I'm glad that the mechanic is starting to suspect Boomer. He has given her the benefit of the doubt for way too long. Awesome episode.
I liked the scenes on Caprica too because we got to see more of the Cylons. I want to know exactly what it is they are planning. Awesome episode. *****.
Battlesar Galactica "Six Degrees of Separation"
I liked this episode a lot. I love Baltar and I truly loved the surprisingly comedic touches sprinkled throughout the episode (like the bathroom scene in which James Callis was truly hysterical). I still can't pin down where Baltar's loyalties truly lie but I was feeling for him throughout the entire episode regardless.
And the sex scenes on this show are HOT. That guy on Caprica and Boomer getting it on was something else and they are giving Tricia Hefler a nice amount of cheesecake time.
Boomer venerating the Cylon ship was truly creepy. It's a miracle she hasn't been found out yet much less not even realized she's a Cylon. Good episode and a good Gaius spotlight. ****.