Sep 07, 2004 20:43
The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things,
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings,
Of why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.
Well that's it I guess
I had, what so far, is probably the best summer of my life. I hate that it's ending but it did last quite a long time. I guess I'm sort of looking forward to school, and I have nothing really holding me back from doing well this year. I think I will do better this year than last. I'm going to donate a lot more of my time to school though, so that means no real heavy duty partying, unless it's a special occasion, ie birthdays, holidays, vacations etc. I guess I am ready for the end. I had a stand-by-me like situation with Erick and Nick last night. We were walking, and then we systematically disbanded. Nick and I did the voiceover. I guess every ending is a new beginning, and everytime God closes a door Satan breaks a window, or however that saying goes.
Well this'll be my last summer post.....I'll probably start bitching in here more often now that school is starting. I'll be taking SATs, and getting my permit, and eventually license. But all the good times that were had this summer will be missed greatly. But they'll be back in about 9 months.
Its not....that long.
fuck, yeah it is.