As If I Didn't Have Enough B.O. Already...

Jun 22, 2007 17:02

Tomorrow I will be participating in my first ever Sweat Lodge.

A number of people in the NA fellowship which I am associated with are also involved in what is called The Red Path, a Native American spiritual practice. Twice a month (2nd and 4th Saturdays) they have a day-long Sweat Lodge, and I have been invited to attend.

I'm pretty damn excited about this! Everything I've been told about the practices and rituals sounds right up my alley (yes, I do have an alley; it's right behind Taco Bell).

The focus is on respect and appropriate reverence for nature and all its inhabitants, the environment, and connection and guidance from what some call the Great Spirit. Spiritual and psychological change is rooted in physical-experience rituals, which are intended to cleanse the body and soul and to strengthen/maintain connection to the Great Spirit.

Sure does sound good to me... I'll post after-thoughts and such next week.
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