Well, today was my second day back at college. I figured it's time to let everyone know how things are going so far.
The first day of classes (August 24) was mega-busy! I could not believe how busy the hallways were...it reminded me of my high school. It seems everyone was taking care of last-minute business that they could have all done a couple months in advance. This includes but is not limited to getting textbooks (this can be done right after registering for classes a couple of months before the semester), working with financial aid (this should be done three to four months in advance), and trying to navigate the building (although I'll admit I'm guilty here as well). In the commons, I saw somebody actually filling out a FAFSA application (
www.fafsa.ed.gov/); those are technically due (I believe) three months before one starts college. Whoops! I have to admit that my father was late with my FAFSA form, so I'm still waiting on loans, but these people were still trying to secure financial aid from scratch! I was thinking to myself the whole time, are these people seriously unable to take care of these things when they have plenty of time in advance? I had to leave the campus right after classes, because the crowds were overwhelming me.
On a more positive note, my classes that day went well. Our only homework was to get our syllabi for classes off of the online classrom environment (all classes are blended at SCTC, apparently; lecture in classroom, handouts online, and assignments and tests handed in online), and read the opening chapters in our textbooks. The professors for my classes that day seemed very nice, and I am looking forward to a good learning experience in both of them. I had "Introduction to Psychology" and "Medical Terminology."
Today, the halls were less busy, but students were still scrambling for textbooks. My single class today looks to probably be one of my favorites. It's called "Life Span Development Psychology," and it deals with how we develop psychologically from birth to death. The professor is very personable, and she likes to have an interactive class; an environment I cherish in any classroom. The assignment? Review the syllabus.
After class today, I went to the bookstore to get a new bus pass (SCTC has a "ride the bus free" program). My previous bus pass was somehow scrambled, and wouldn't work. They replaced it with no problems, and thankfully the line to get into the actual store was less busy then (like I said, everyone has been scrambling for textbooks these two days). I then came back home.
These last two days have been a bit hectic, but I have a good feeling about my classes and this college. The professors seem genuinely interested in helping the students learn, and although the classes will involve a lot of material, I suspect they have a plan to help us learn it effectively.
Here's to a great semester! I'll keep everyone posted!
~Matty J.