A new PPP poll of Maine showed voters completely split on the issue of perserving the state's marriage equality law - 48% to 48%, with few undecided voters. Looking at the data, here's what the pollster says:
"With most voters' minds made up the election is not really about persuasion at this point but turnout. Even a small difference in the ability of supporters and opponents of the referendum to get their folks out to the polls could tip the scales with the issue this close."
The No on 1 campaign in Maine has set up a virtual phone bank system that anyone can tap into from the comfort of their own home, anwhere in the country. The phonebanking they need now is NOT about persuading voters - that time is over. Now it's all about phoning our likely supporters and getting them out to the polls. This is the easiest type of phonebanking to do, because you're talking to people that are already on our side. The campaign offer free training, and you can take a 2-3 hour shift so it's not even that much of a time committment. You can get all the information
on their website, including training times. Please, check out it today and volunteer a few hours of your time.
I've heard a lot of grumbling in our community over the Obama administration's pace in addressing our issues and fulfilling his campaign promises to our community. Fair enough. But lately, every time I read an angry blog post or FB update to this effect I think to myself "Fine. What are YOU doing to advance your own cause?" Sadly, I think the answer most of the time would be "Not much".
At this current time there is no more important cause to our community than Maine. If we win there, it'll be the first time we've ever won marriage equality at the ballot box, and that will be a game changer. Years from now we might look back at November 3, 2009 as the day the struggle for marriage equality shifted back in our favor. This poll shows that it is completely winnable. The campaign could not make it easier for people to help out - all you need is a phone and some time.
So here's my question: what are you doing over the next two weeks that you can't volunteer 4-5 hours of your time to help carry the No on 1 campaign to victory? Securing our civil rights isn't going to come from the Obama administration or the HRC or some magic equality fairy. It's a struggle we all need to be involved in. It's time to participate.
We are the ones that we've been waiting for - so let's
make it happen.