Who recognizes this?
I love you, Google Earth!
Update: I just had an insane thought. Scientific American recently had an article about
savants. Marked oftentimes by phenomenal memory, some are able to memorize incredible amounts of information. Now that Google Earth is available, imagine the amount someone could memorize about the geographical layout of the entire planet. Even if you had all the extraneous info turned off, and you were just flying over terrain and zooming in on items of interest (for example, finding the airport in Iceland), there's so much to see and learn. I've already learned a ton about where places actually are, rather than thinking "Where is Bangladesh? Elsewhere, I suppose", I can think about where it is exactly, and know what the terrain is like there. And even if I don't know, I can visit it in the blink of an eye, in geographical relational context to the entire world.