Jul 12, 2010 18:10
i just need you to see me
Ignore this: it's a blather post for the sole purpose of conditioning my mind and hands to get these things out again. I'm still feeling a bit mentally and emotionally constipated and I blame the lack of writing.
Everything feels like it's overlapping at the moment. Not much quiet time, aside from when I pretend to crochet. I say pretend because I don't really know what I'm doing, aside from having fun practicing various stitches and occasionally guiding them into the shape of a hat or a bag or a sock. I started on the superhero costume for Newt's alter ego, Neutron Kitty, but I think I'm going to start over. The curious part will be getting him to sit close enough for any length of time so I can gauge the mask...
Anytime I get pictures printed off, I want to order more. Sometimes I like the pictures I take and they usually garner zero interest from the people I show them to. So...mine they will be. I should go to the thrift store soon and see if I can't find some frames to paint for a few of them. Speaking of... Kelly's pictures from December still require frames. Perhaps I'll put that on my to-do list for the week as well. I have a couple hours free on Wednesday, so maybe I'll do that. I could use a few new shirts anyway.
I started a new rug made out of old jeans. I saw it in an issue of Ready Made...I just hope I have some denim needles for the ol' Singer. If not, perhaps a trip to the fabric store is in order as well as the Salvation Army.
Just out of curiousity - does anyone else wake up being stared at by a holographic deer? Or go to sleep that way, for that matter? No? Just me? Ok.
I kind of want to take a nap or play video games or eat or do anything except my personal evaluation, really. But it needs to be in tomorrow...or maybe wednesday at the latest. I'm not sure.
I also wish I had air conditioning in the car so I could drive around and sing some Florence at the top of my lungs. + The Machine, not Foster Jenkins. Although both would be fun. Mom said I should go get an estimate on getting it fixed and she'd help out...guess I should make an appointment at Rex's for next week. Frames are the priority this week.
Aaaaand, that's all I'm carrying that I can dump out at the moment.
Efforts. Not good ones, but efforts nonetheless.