
Jun 14, 2005 16:14

Hey yall,Im at my moms work cause I had to go to the Dentist. I hate any type of Docters even if they do help people i dont want them messing with me. The appointment was at 2:30 and we were going to cancel but they charge alot for that so I had to go. It sucked worse casue me and april (my lil sis) were at Jen and my mom had to come pick us up early. She fixed my livejournal so it has all this dashboard stuff. We both love that band. Last night wasnt the greatest either casue jen had to fix alot of problems that was going on with alot of friends, so I didnt get to talk to her much. Plus I had to work yesterday so I was tired. Oh yeah and I didnt get any pay cause I work for my dad so I worked for free for his fathers day prestent. Anywayz im gone
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