Jun 02, 2011 11:45
So, 'member those one-shot ideas? Well, I've a change in plans for them.
I do plan to write most, if not all, of the one-shots mentioned in my previous post.
But. The Ross-AU? Will be a multi-chaptered fic. My original plan would fast-forward from Garcia's death to other parts in the FE8 timeline, where I would attempt at going into Ross' psyche as he works at bettering himself as a warrior and other shenanigans. However, I'm afraid I would be dragging the one-shot to an unnecessary length. :/
My solution to this, as I mentioned, is making it multi-chaptered. "How many chapters?" you may ask? I haven't the foggiest idea yet. I do plan to make each chapter I write to span throughout one to two (three at most) chapters of the actual game.
I will focus mainly on Ross' point of view, but I will include others'. For example: Vanessa, (maybe Seth), etc.
With that said, I plan to finish the first chapter in the next day or two. Once uploaded on Fanfiction I will post the link to "Berserker" in a new entry.
I'm looking forward to how this will work out - and anything you may have to say about it. (: