update on me

Mar 24, 2005 17:52

For some reason I really feel like writing in here, which is rare. I realized that I haven't posted anything of substance since I graduated. So I figured I would write an update on my life for the benefit of the people I don't talk to very much.

I graduated from Roseville High in June 04. Moved to Houghton, MI in August to goto Michigan Tech for Electrical Engineering. For anyone wondering, that school is no joke, it's pretty difficult. I ended up not liking it there. Moved to Marietta, GA in January 05 to attend Life University for chiropractic. I'm doing Biology undergrad stuff right now and should get into the chiropractic program early next year.

I live with John Podlaseck and this crazy kid he met named Andy. He's quite possibly crazier than me. I didn't realize we were moving to the ghetto but after there was a shooting in our building a few days ago, I've since learned that this is offically Scary-etta.

I sold my Jetta and bought a 2003 VW GTI. It's turbo, it's fast, I like it a lot.

This quarter just ended. I got A's in Psychology and Chem II. Got a C in Biology I and a D in Biology II. So that sucks, I have to retake Bio II next quarter. Fuck you Dr. Carpenter.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning and driving to Myrtle Beach to meet my family for easter. Driving back to Atlanta next Tuesday and flying up to Houghton on Wednesday morning to spend the rest of my spring break visiting with Megan.

I'm coming back to Michigan for my birthday (April 30) and we're going to Canada. If you're of legal drinking age (19) in Canada, then you should definately come and get sauced with us.

That's everything that's new with me. Tell me what's new with you.
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