Jan 28, 2004 18:32
he sits four feet from me.
two feet - on the floor.
two hands - clutched around
a muffin he's procured.
she's my woman
he proclaims.
you try and take her, i'll fucking take you.
big, small - whatever. i'll fucking kill you he adds.
you casually glance over and he doesn't.
and he doesn't look crazy. he doesn't.
i'll fucking knock your ass
the quiet din of others around adds contrast to his rant
but the point is taken. he stands. he throws away his muffin.
he turns to leave but stops again.
excuse me he says to one of two older women sitting in a booth
can i ask you a question and you won't take offense?
the words stumble out of his mouth.
you won't take offense?
i might she replies.
is this woman your mother?