Ugly? : nopers. Kind? : yup. Loud? : eh, not really. Shy? : sometimes. Weird? : no. Selfish? : no. Ghetto? : yes. matt, you're just so ghetto fab. Crazy?: i said you were tonight, but only because you cry tears of joy during "kindergarten cop". Nice? : yupp. Mean?: no. Immature? : depends, you and i laugh at some immature things. Rude?: no. Cool? : yup. Stupid? : no. Caring? : yup. Mature? : like i said, depends. A friend? : yup. More than a friend? : yupyup. Talkative? : mostly. Boring? : no. Hott!! : damn straight. Creative? : i like the card you made for me. it's cute. Smart? : yup. A flirt? : not really. A psycho? : no. Athletic? : yup. you track beast. Confusing? : no. Sweet? : yes. Annoying? : no. Funny? : yup. Hyper? : i don't think i've ever witnessed it, but it might happen? Laid back? : most of the time. Perfect? : yessum.
If You Could...
Give me a new name, what would it be ?: i don't know? matthias? lol. i totally just made that up. Hook me up with someone, who would it be ?: this really hot blonde chick named nicole taylor hallenbeck. she's so hot. i'd do her. Do one thing with me, it would be ?: promiseeeee :) Drop me one piece of advice, it would be ?: "abandom thought and let the dream descend".....but really, i just didn't know what to type here and since i'm currently singing along to my phantom of the opera soundtrack, i thought i'd give you a line from a song.
Would You...
Kiss me ?: yes. Ever go out with me ?: yes. If you already have, would you do it again ?: yes. Marry me if you could ?: sure. Ever talk bad about me if we were to break up ?: no.
Kind? : yup.
Loud? : eh, not really.
Shy? : sometimes.
Weird? : no.
Selfish? : no.
Ghetto? : yes. matt, you're just so ghetto fab.
Crazy?: i said you were tonight, but only because you cry tears of joy during "kindergarten cop".
Nice? : yupp.
Mean?: no.
Immature? : depends, you and i laugh at some immature things.
Rude?: no.
Cool? : yup.
Stupid? : no.
Caring? : yup.
Mature? : like i said, depends.
A friend? : yup.
More than a friend? : yupyup.
Talkative? : mostly.
Boring? : no.
Hott!! : damn straight.
Creative? : i like the card you made for me. it's cute.
Smart? : yup.
A flirt? : not really.
A psycho? : no.
Athletic? : yup. you track beast.
Confusing? : no.
Sweet? : yes.
Annoying? : no.
Funny? : yup.
Hyper? : i don't think i've ever witnessed it, but it might happen?
Laid back? : most of the time.
Perfect? : yessum.
If You Could...
Give me a new name, what would it be ?: i don't know? matthias? lol. i totally just made that up.
Hook me up with someone, who would it be ?: this really hot blonde chick named nicole taylor hallenbeck. she's so hot. i'd do her.
Do one thing with me, it would be ?: promiseeeee :)
Drop me one piece of advice, it would be ?: "abandom thought and let the dream descend".....but really, i just didn't know what to type here and since i'm currently singing along to my phantom of the opera soundtrack, i thought i'd give you a line from a song.
Would You...
Kiss me ?: yes.
Ever go out with me ?: yes.
If you already have, would you do it again ?: yes.
Marry me if you could ?: sure.
Ever talk bad about me if we were to break up ?: no.
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