1) Today is a brilliantly gloomy and overcast day. I'm in love.
2) Prozac, yay?
[out of nothing] likes me. Issue 4 or 5.
4) Veggie chili is amazing. And I'm currently eating one of the largest bananas you've never seen.
5) The doctor I saw today was a strikingly beautiful young man.
6) Looking forward to conversation.
a) My feet look like they belong on a werewolf.
7) When the hell am I going to Jacksonville, already??
8) It just started raining, I'm more in love.
9) I'm manic, and it drives me nuts. I'd like to stick to one emotion for more than an hour, please.
10) If I burned your face into my chest with a cigarette, would you be appalled or flattered?
a) Better yet, you burn your face into my chest with a cigarette, and tell me if you're appalled or flattered.