im becoming more and more deprsed.
the reson:
stupid fucking girls!
i have come to a realiztion though.
to day i texted the girl i really like because the other night i i made her feel bad about her not liking me and all that junk...
so i said " are youmad at me?"
than then she ses
"no, but iv gotten over whatever attraction there might have been. find some one that makes you happy. well, someone else any way.good luck."
and of corse that was at the beggining of my 8 hour day at work so i thought about it all day.
i did realize though:
i dont need some one that can make me happy, im with any one. i need some one that I can make happy.
because for some stupid reson no girls wanna be in a relationship with me.
iv started painting alot more. im working on to posibal art studios that i might rent out and live in wile im not on tour. it would be cheap and fairly creepy... just the way i like it!
im also pretty sure im gunna quit flip the switch. its to much shows that dont get me any where. i need more time to persue things i really have my heart in theese days.
oh yeah
listen to queens burry rules!